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An Interview with Ukranian Retiree Evgenia Frantsovna Melnuchuk on her 82th Birthday
by Igor Sauchuk


(Igor): Mrs Evgenia, would you please tell me if you think it is good for our younger generation to read the Bible?
Would it strengthen our Bukovinian district and improve the conscience of Bukovinians?                                                                                                     

(Evgenia): I doubt they will read the Bible, if nowadays they're going to discotheques - taking off their briefs throwing them hanging them on willow tree.

(Igor): May they be listening to you, to elders if you insist them to read the Word God?

(Evgenia): Who wants to listen this days? They would rather to push you away if you would make up your mind to advise them. Now, I tell you this, if mother smokes, father drinks or using drugs, then, how will their kids grow up? What is there showing on TV? Switching from  channel to channel, there’s just one evil  creeping on another. Perhaps the fall is in it. If you go back to look at our old generation, we were different. I am 82 years old. I tell you this, my nephew Ivan has a teen son and teen daughter, and they call their parents "You" (plural) with respect to me as well and to others, greeting them.

(Igor): If they are obeying and reading the Bible, does  it mean they are having their upbringing underparents  control?                                                                                                                                                                                    

(Evgenia): Yes, while I am praying they are stand beside me  also praying.                                                                                      

(Igor): I think, if they get more education they would pray before they meal time, before the night, in the morning, then Holy Spirit will fill their mind and the heart of those children and will guide their lives.  What are your thoughts?

(Evgenia): Yes, but a lot of children don't even know the Lord’s prayer.                                                                                                 

(Igor): Mrs. Eugenia, please tell me, this recent murder which happened in our village,  is it the parents’ fault of the guy who did it?      

(Evgenia): Oh no, this is his fault  who did it. Why it should be the parents fault? If he would have God in his heart, believing in Him, he wouldn't do it. In the moment of committing this crime the evil one was guiding that guy, it was the one with "horns".  The parents of that girl who suffered of him are going to  church. Talking about this guy - the jail will not make him any better, although not to punish him, it is also not the right thing. What about these days? Please say that right now it is time like that! But it isn't time - these are such people! Grief is there!

(Igor): Why are people like that now?                                                                                                                                                                

(Evgenia): Because nowadays all is well for everybody. For example,  when I was young walking to my aunt’s to get milk, where I  cross the street, there’s such big traffic, riding cars one by one one by one! So intense! Is it grief for people? Before we had (tachka) one weel working handler, (fira) carriage that horses pull...                                                                                                                                                   

(Igor): So, people thinking only about materialistic things and just materialistic things kill simple qualities.

(Evgenia): Right.  Now the youth think how to get money or to cheat.                                                                                     

(Igor): What parting advice do you have for our readers,  with your simple language and understanding what you would say?                                

(Evgenia): I wish that people would be closer to each other, having respect, be good in their heart to each other. Modern youth... do they want to read the Bible? Well, if they are dressed daily like for New Year’s Eve or with outfits like for "Malanka"(Ukrainian Halloween) then, what is in their mind? How come they don't have  work to do at their homes? They are putting on clothes like monkey or sheep down on all fours. The difference they are walking on 2 feet. For instance-I talk my grandson Andrew: I rebuke him - he cries... means he has conscience... but it is not in all kids like that.                      

(Igor): Perhaps Andrew has a soft soul?                                                                                                                                                      

(Evgenia): For instance I say:"You must be home at 9 PM, if you want be 15 minutes late-just ask, I let you come late" and you know, he listens. Now in the school teachers... such teachers... in other words - they are not interested that children would get education, they just advance students to the next year and graduate. Afterwards, somebody has to pay for institute or university to become a doctor. What after that? Will this doctor treat you good? Rather let you go to eternity faster. If you are sick going to be seen by such a doctor with his treatment, he might  make you disabled faster because he knows nothing. Such is a teacher - scores him "3" (highest"5") just "let student go" to study maybe for a lawyer. What kind of lawyer he will become

(Igor): May be in Institute he will be studying?                                                                                                                                              

(Evgenia): Why? There is an uncle in Canada who will send money. Why he has to study? Long ago in our Ukrainian Chernivtsi district under Romanian Empire, our classes had a minute of prayer before beginning our day, they forced us to say:"Our Father" we even had religious education in schools after exams on it. Now people are different and not appreciating the freedom and time we just got to use it for Bible studies.