If you have reached this page by accident, then


Course Record Form and Transcript and Grades Form
and how to access your first course.


    The next step is to Sign In for your first course.

As it would be if you were attending an on-campus college, it is
common for students to take many courses rather than just one.

Many of our online students take more that one course at a time.  The Video
College is set up in core courses of 5 at a time. You are allowed to take as many
of those 5 as you desire but there is one caution- don't overload yourself with
more than you can handle given all of your current time constraints in all areas of
your life including sufficient time for your studies.


    If you do not meet the minimum attendance requirements for the course, then
you will not be allowed to take the Final Test.  Also, if the individual lesson tests
are spaced incorrectly, thus failing to meet  the minimum weekly attendance
requirements, then they will also be disallowed and will not be credited to your file.
You will have to retake them when you have met the attendance/study/testing
requirements.  Those requirements are explained on the individual course main
page as well as on other pages you have to access to get to those courses.

1. Make sure that you keep track of your attendance for each course that you
take.  Make a list of "Begin" and "Finish" dates for each course so that you can
make sure you meet the attendance requirements for each individual course.
You will need your "Begin" Sign In date to input on your "Finish" Sign In form.
You will also need to keep track of other pertinent information for each course.
Click this link,
COURSE RECORD FORM to access a downloadable sheet on 
which to keep your course information.  You will be able to download the form in
your choice of formats: as a Word doc or a pdf file or a WordPerfect wpd file.
You will need one copy of this form for each course that you take.  Record
all information for each course when you begin the course and then update the
form for each course with the pertinent information each time you submit work to
the college for that course.  If you do not have a printer, then download the form
as a Word or WordPerfect file and save it in your computer as a word-processor
file and then you can use it internally without having to print it out.  Remember to
keep it up-to-date as you progress through each course because you will need the
information on it later when you submit the Finish Sign In form and the Password
Retrieval or Closed Book Test Contract forms which you will submit when you
have finished each entire course.  Without the information from that form you will
not be able to retrieve the password, which you will need to access the Final Test.
2. Students are also required to report their grades for verification to the
Administrative Office every 6 months.  This is accomplished by means of the
Transcript and Grades Form.  To access that form, click that link.  Your
computer will ask you to specify where the form download is to be saved.  Specify
somewhere you will be able to easily find it.
To access an instruction video explaining use of the form, click HERE and scroll
down to the video entitled
How to Use the Transcript and Grades Template.
Update that form every time you start a course and every time you pass a quiz/test.
ATTENTION: Be sure to submit a copy of the form to the college every six (6)
months to keep your Academic File current.  Keep updating the same form and add
the new information to it and send a copy of it to the college. Do not use a different
form each time.

Sign In Form - this is how we keep a record of your attendance.

    Follow all instructions on the Sign In page exactly.  Be sure to submit the form after filling it out.  If you do not do so, then any tests you take will not be credited to your file.  The reason they cannot be credited to you is because we will have no record of your attendance and no way of knowing if you have met the attendance requirements for the course.

    Sign in once when you first start a course.  Use the "Begin Sign In" form and then sign in once again using the "Finish Sign In" form when you have completed the entire course and you are ready to take the Final Test.  These two dated forms, one marked "Begin" and one marked "Finish," are used to compute and verify your attendance for the course.  You do NOT submit a sign in to "Begin" and a sign in to "Finish" form for each individual lesson in the course.  You submit the forms only when you Begin and when you Finish each individual course.

    The required minimum attendance per lesson and required minimum attendance for the course are listed on each individual course main page.

Begin Sign In form:
    The link to these forms is found on each course main page.
    Once you submit the Sign In form you will be automatically taken to a confirmation page:
    Once you reach that page, either print out that page so you will have a copy of all of the pertinent information or save an electronic copy on your computer.

    When you are finished on the confirmation page, you will be told to:
Close this window to return to the form.

    You then close that window, which will return you to the sign in form.

    Back on the sign in form, in moving red letters in a box, you will be told to:

    Once you close that form you will be returned to the page from which you accessed it.

To sign in for more courses:
    A separate Sign In form must be submitted for each course.
    Keep a copy of the pertinent information for each individual course.

    To sign in for additional courses, simply follow the instructions found on the confirmation page.

    You may take more than one course at a time.  As in any other college, most students take several classes at the same time.  Other students, because of time constraints, only take one course at a time.  That choice is completely up to you.  You decide how you want to proceed with your education; but, be aware that the more courses you take to run concurrently, the sooner you will earn your degree.  And the fewer you take, the longer it will take to reach your goal.

   However, be aware of all constraints on your time from all areas of your life.  Do not overload yourself to the point where you become frustrated that you don't have enough time to properly do you homework for the courses.  If that happens, do not just give up and stop all together.  Simply put some of the courses on hold and continue with the ones that you do have time to work on properly.  Just send us an email informing us of the situation and we will keep your dropped courses active and then you can simply start them up again when you have time, continuing on from the spot where you had stopped.