photography and videos by:
Doc Van & Gracia Roemer

© All photos and videos are copyright by Salt Lake Bible College (SLBC) and Dr. T.E. VanBuskirk (Doc Van)
and may be used by students, teachers, and graduates of SLBC free of charge.  They may not be sold or used
for any commercial purpose without the express permission of Dr. VanBuskirk.
For pricing and permission for commercial use, contact Dr. VanBuskirk at

Use must be accompanied by copyright symbol & the phrase:  © SLBC & Doc Van - used by permission

Because of the number of pictures it was not possible for me to edit them all.
Therefore, the bulk of the photos are unedited & in various definitions.
You may download and edit them but you need to attach a copy
of your edited photo and send it to me so I can include it in a
photo/video album should I decide to do so.  The edited copy
must include my copyright information and becomes
the property of SLBC and Heritage Baptist College
Doc Van

Access: Photos/Videos-HERE   -   Photos/Videos 2-HERE   
