GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT BSAA. BSAA is a theological accrediting association formed in 2002 which accredits only those schools that hold to and teach sound traditional biblical principles and doctrines in accord with traditional Baptist beliefs and uphold the authority and accuracy of the King James Version of the Bible in English or comparable foreign language translations of God's Word from the Majority Text. Schools accredited by this agency must be under the authority of a local Baptist Church or a group of Baptist Churches. Accreditation from the BSAA is not meant to take the place of, nor is it meant to be compared with, secular accreditation. The purpose of the BSAA is to assure the Churches that hold to traditional Baptist bible doctrines that the schools accredited by us do indeed teach those doctrines that are in accord with their own Baptist Church's traditional biblical beliefs. Because of some concerns expressed to us, we want to make our stand perfectly clear. We are not a secular accreditation we are strictly a theological accreditation and we do recommend that the schools of the BSAA go on to seek secular accreditation to establish their place in academia at large as educational institutions. BSAA has been formed specifically because the accrediting agencies currently operating do not require traditional Baptist biblical standards from the schools that they accredit. The
Bible tells us: Many have strayed from the faith. And because of that widespread straying, the need has been made clear that those holding to traditional Baptist biblical doctrines and the authority of the Received Text and the Bibles, such as the KJV in English, the Old Valera in Spanish, the Old Lutheran in German, and other translations taken from the Received Text, can no longer walk hand in hand with those who have thus strayed. Therefore, the BSAA has been formed to give those holding to the Old Book and the plain doctrines taught in it a place where we can "walk together" and "be agreed" and separate, and differentiate, ourselves from those who no longer hold to the plain truths of God's Word as we understand them. We have bound together to form a body with which to present ourselves to the world as credible educators in the true Word of God, and as a group holding to what we believe to be the true doctrines of the Bible, and holding true to the commands in it to teach God's Word to the world. To facilitate that command, for those schools who meet the sound spiritual and sound educational criteria demanded by God for the teaching of His Word, BSAA has been instituted to give them a place where they can be examined and approved by a group of their peers who also hold to the same spiritual and educational goals and thereby assure their students that they will receive a quality education and instruction in the true Word of God.
of Theologically Accredited schools: Internationally, BSAA has theologically accredited colleges in the USA, Thailand, Samoa, Zambia, multiple colleges in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, several in West Africa, and in the Philippines, and India; just to name a few. Graduates from our accredited colleges in the USA and abroad have had their degrees recognized, and accepted, by various governments including the USA, Nigeria, Zambia, the Philippines, Brazil, India, China, and many others. Study
Centers: Process: 2. After you have read the agreement, contact us through the following link if you have any further questions: Contact us 3.
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