Contact Form for SLBC Tenali India |
Please fill out the following information and click the submit button. |
"*" indicates mandatory fields. |
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*Country: | Other:
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*Comments: | |
ATTENTION: The following fields are for current students only. If you are NOT A STUDENT then you do not need to fill out the following section. If this contact is concerning a test, a form, or it is your response to a communication from the college, please give detailed information (name of course, test #, name of form, subject of your response to our communication to you, etc.) If you do not give detailed information then we will not be able to handle your request. |
Concerning: |
Name of Course (if applicable): Other:
Lesson or test number (if applicable): | Other:
Name of Form: | Other:
Attention: If you are a registered student, please read and follow these instructions. If you are not a registered student, skip these instructions and go on to the next question. If you are a registered student, you are required, as part of your training, to use proper letter-case and proper sentence structure and punctuation in all submissions to the college. This includes in all forms, tests, email, and all other communication sent to the college. If you are a registered student, indicate so in the next section. If you have used proper letter-case and proper sentence structure and punctuation, then click the Yes box. If you have not done so, click the No box. If you do not use proper letter-case and proper sentence structure and punctuation then this form will be disallowed and you will have to correct it and resubmit it. Please set your email to automatically run a spell-checker on all out-going mail. This is a college and the students are expected to do college level work. |
*Are you a registered student? |
If you are a registered student, did you use proper letter-case, spelling, and punctuation on this form? |
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If you need to include files with this form, please do so in the next field. |
Upload Files (max is 1mb per file) |