Salt Lake Bible College


   Attention: DO NOT use nicknames. 
Use only your legal name on all forms submitted to SLBC.
  Include your first name (given name), your middle initial if you have one, and your family name.

If this form is for a Final Test, then click this link to submit a Finish Sign In form if you have not already done so.

If you do not meet the minimum attendance requirements, which are computed from the date that you sent in the Begin Sign In Form for each course, then you will be DENIED ACCESS to the password!  Please do not request the Password until you have met the following requirements:

1. Student must meet minimum attendance requirements for the course.

CLICK HERE for a list of attendance requirements for each course offered.
2. Correction of all missed test questions requirement.
    By submitting this form, I certify that I have looked up the correct answers in the textbook and/or workbook and/or the King James Bible (whichever is appropriate) to all questions missed on all of the Section Tests
and I also certify that I will do the same for all questions missed on the Final Test each time I take that test and that I will do so whether I pass or fail those tests.
It is the student's responsibility to make sure they have met all attendance requirements for the course before submitting the Password Request form.  If you submit the form stating you have met those requirements and it is found out later that you have not met them, then the test will be disallowed and you will have to retake it.
4. It is also required that student use only proper letter-case when submitting information to the college.  Use of all upper-case or all lower-case letters is not allowed in any submissions to the college.  The only exception is the rare case where such use is required.  Such exceptions will be plainly marked.


Click Picture or click HERE 

If the form fails to submit properly, then please use the Emergency Request in the yellow box below.


To be used ONLY if the Password Retrieval form will not open!

  • If the Password Retrieval Form fails to submit, then you may send an email direct to us with
    an Email Emergency Request for the password.

  • There is a direct link to an email with our address and the correct Subject line preformatted for
    you at the bottom of this box.  Please use it if possible and cut and paste the required information
    list into it.

  • If the form and the direct email link will not work, then you can send an email through your own
    email program.  For it to be properly routed you MUST do the following:
    1.  Make sure that PASSWORD SLBC (all caps, no lowercase, no added words) is the subject line.
        This is necessary in order for the request to go to the proper mailbox for processing.
        Failure to use that subject line will result in your request going to the wrong mailbox where it
            probably will not be found for several days or longer and it possibly may not be found at all.
        Cut and paste the list below into your email and then fill out the required information.
    2.  If you request the password through the email link found after the list, then you must cut and
         past everything between the horizontal lines in the following list into the body of the email and
         fill out the information to the right of the colon for each question.

    The list that you must cut and paste is everything between the two horizontal lines.
    Do not change or erase any of the question or comment lines and leave the "NOTE" at
        the end intact and included in the email.

    1. Your name: 
    2. Name of the course: 
    3. Test number or F for Final Test.
    4. Number of weeks you were in the course: 
    5. Date you signed in to "Begin" the course: 
    6. Date you signed in to "Finish" the course: 

        (Only required if you are finished with the course and are requesting the Password for the Final Test) 
    7. Current Date: 
    8. Required minimum weeks of attendance for the entire course:
    9. Required minimum attendance per lesson: 


    Insert any comments you may have.  If you have no comments, leave blank.

    NOTE: Intentional submission of false information will result in my immediate dismissal from
        Salt Lake Baptist College and/or Salt Lake Bible College and loss of all credits accrued.

    (This note must be included in its entirety and by submitting the email you are agreeing to its terms.)

    3. Failure to use the proper subject line and failure to include all of the required information
      in the email will result in your request either being misrouted and possibly lost and/or    

  • Direct link to e-mail us for Password if the Password Retrieval Form doesn't work.
    Our E-mail Address and Subject line are already set for you.  Do not change them.
    Cut and paste the list above into the Email, answer the questions then send the Email to us.

  • Once you have obtained the password via e-mail:
        1.  Return to the main page for the course for which you are now testing or go to the link
            at the end of the textbook, whichever is appropriate.
        2.  Click on the Final Test link.
              Should the test not open and ask you for the password on the first try, then refresh the page and the test will open.
        3.  Enter the password when prompted to do so.
                Password is case sensitive.
        4.  Enter your personal information and then take the Final Test.
    When the test opens, your first name goes on the left line, your email address on the middle line and your last name
               (family name) goes on the right-hand line.  In the upper level classes, some tests require your full name in one box and
               your email address in another box.

  • Note: Some tests are "open book" and some are "closed book."
    This form is for requesting the password for "open book" tests ONLY.
    If the test is "closed book" then please follow the specific instructions for that test.
    For a "closed book" test you DO NOT submit this form. you submit a
    Closed Book Test Contract Form." (Click the name to go to that form.)