The parent organization that funds SLBC.



If you have not done so already, Sign In for the course.

Restricted class

This class is exclusively for those students who already have at least a Bachelor's degree and are working toward or have already earned a Master's degree or are working toward a Doctorate from SLBC.

You need prior approval to take the course and prior approval for the subject of your paper.  Use the "Thesis Approval Form." (link is active) to apply for approval. After you have submitted that form, then close that window to return to this page.

Prerequisite:  Students must have taken and passed the Life of Christ I course from SLBC.
                              Failure to meet prerequisites will result in the rejection of the paper and no credits will be earned. 

Subject & Title

The subject will be "One or all aspect(s) of the Life of Christ."

The title to use on the Title Page of your paper is "Life of Christ Research Paper" in 18 point Times New Roman bold font.

sub-title to use on the Title Page of your paper is "concerning [insert the name of the aspect(s) you are addressing in your paper]".
 Make the sub-title as concise as possible and use a Times New Roman 14 point bold font.

Your name in Times New Roman 14 point bold type under the sub-title with one line spacing from the sub-title.

Sample I:
Life of Christ Research Paper
Concerning The Geography Of The Areas In Which He Ministered

by Dr. Terry E. VanBuskirk

Sample II:
Life of Christ Research Paper
 Concerning His Offices As Prophet, Priest, And King

by Dr. Terry E. VanBuskirk

Sample III:
Life of Christ Research Paper
Concerning His Presentation as Son of God and Son of Man

by Dr. Terry E. VanBuskirk

Content and Formatting

1. Content and formatting must be according to MLA Research Paper guidelines with the 3 exceptions listed below.
   The MLA guidelines found at the above link are courtesy of Purdue University and the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL).  We wish to thank Purdue for making these online materials available for our use.
        1. Please do include a title page with the title in Times New Roman 18 point bold type and your sub-title under it in Times New Roman 14 point bold font centered on the page and "by [your name]" in 14 point bold type underneath it.  Use one line of spacing between the sub-title and your name.
        2. At the bottom of the title page include the following in 12 point bold Times New Roman font centered on the page:

"By submission of this paper, the author gives permission to SLBC to use it in any way they see fit.
The author and SLBC each hold a non-exclusive copyright on the material presented herein.
The author will be given credit as the author on any copies produced by SLBC but will
receive no material compensation from SLBC for any use of the material by SLBC.
Likewise SLBC will not receive any material compensation from the author for
any use the author may make of the the material included in this composition.

2. Research paper must contain and support a study of one or more aspects of the life and/or ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.

3.  Paper needs to be a minimum of 5,000 words utilizing a minimum of 10 reference works.  Maximum should not exceed 10,000 words unless special permission is requested by the student and granted by SLBC.

4. Paper must address at least 3 main points concerning any chosen aspect(s) of the Life of Christ plus as many sub-points as are needed to completely address the specific aspect(s) chosen.

5. Purdue University Writing Lab (OWL) is a handy source for assistance in the writing process.  Click the following link to access the site:

6. Online References listings are required in the MLA format.
 Goto: to access the MLA guidelines.

Research and Attendance

Research: Must entail a minimum of 24 hours of research which does not include time spent on your outline or final composition of the paper.  It can include time spent on preliminary notes taken during research because that, of necessity, is part of your research time.  You may spend as much time as you want on research but the minimum is 24 hours.

Attendance: Research and composition of the paper must extend over a minimum period of 16 weeks and a maximum period of 25 weeks.  If student finds they are going to go beyond the maximum of 25 weeks for attendance then they must notify us and request an extension of 5 additional weeks for a total of 30 weeks.  Only one such extension is allowed.
    On your Begin and Finish Sign In forms your submission for the minimum attendance for the course is to be "16" and your submission for minimum attendance per lesson is to be "0" weeks because there are no lesson divisions in this course.
Begin Sign In form is to be submitted after you have submitted your Thesis Approval Form and have received your acceptance notification and before beginning your outline.
Finish Sign In form is not to be submitted until after your paper has been given final acceptance by SLBC, including all rewrites if they are required.

Log of hours: You must keep a log of hours and dates of research (not including time spent on your outline and final paper composition) and submit that log by email along with the Research Paper.  Click this link to download and print a Research Paper - Course Record Form which must be submitted at the end of the course.  Without this form you cannot receive credit for the course.  Click the following link to view a sample of the form to see how it must be filled out: Course Record Form Sample.  The sample given is for the Hebrews Research Paper but the way the form is filled out on the sample is the same format to be followed for the Life of Christ Research Paper course.
    If you run out of room on the form to record your hours of research, which might happen should you go over the minimum of 24 hours which you are quite welcome to do, then fill out a second form with all of the preliminary information, that is all of the information above the black horizontal line, from the first form and use the Research log on that new page to continue recording your dates and times for research.  Use as many of these forms as necessary but you must include all of the same preliminary information on each sheet and submit all of them along with your final composition.

Credits and Grade

Student will be awarded 3 credits if their paper is accepted.  Acceptance is dependent upon the quality of the work including: treatment of the subject; originality; clarity of presentation (both neatness and flow of presentation) and conclusion; clarity of presentation of connections made between the subject and the Old and New Testaments (if addressed in the paper); proper formatting, including physical formatting, grammar, punctuation, and spelling.  In addition acceptance is contingent upon the student meeting the minimum attendance and research and composition requirements as well as timely submission of their research Log of hours and monthly progress reports.

Research Paper will be pass or fail.  A grade of 100% will be given for an acceptable paper.

Monthly Reports

    During the 16 weeks of the course, approximately 3 1/2 months, you are required to submit an email report on your general progress every month.  Click the following link to go to a preformatted email for submission of a general progress report- Life of Christ Research Paper General Progress Report.   In that report give the following information:
    1. Your Full name.
    2. Name of the course.
    3. General state of your progress.
    4. Date.

  A total of 3 reports must be submitted to us during the minimum attendance period (16 weeks) and if you go longer than the minimum then you are required to submit additional progress reports at monthly intervals for the duration of the course.

Submission of Research Paper

    The paper is to be composed, with proper formatting, in your word-processor and the file is then to be attached to an email and sent to us through this email address:  (Click the blue link to open and send the email.) Do not alter the subject line of the email.

    If that direct email link won't work, then send the email with the attached file to: with the following email format.
Subject: Life of Christ Research Paper
In the body of the email include:
   1. Your full name.
Your complete email address.
3. Name of the course.
4. The date.

    Don't forget to attach the word-processor file of your research paper and a copy of your research log to the email.  Always retain copies of the files for yourself in case the email fails to go through.