(This is the parent
organization that funds SLBC.)
New Testament Studies

this series you will study the New Testament from various standpoints. In
the first course you will be presented with a complete, book by book
bare bones overview of the New Testament. The textbook will be
"New Testament Survey" by Dr. T.E. VanBuskirk. In the
second course you will undertake a study of selected portions of the
New Testament in an "unpretending
examination of certain passages of Scripture" through
certain character and doctrinal studies. The textbook will be
"Studies In the New Testament" by A. Webster, D.D.
Other courses will be added later.
Testament Survey

A bare-bones overview of the New Testament
This is a First
Level course.
purpose of this class is to give you a comprehensive framework on
which to hang your studies of the Bible. This is a bare-bones
skeleton which you can then flesh out during your lifetime of study of
God's Word in the New Testament.
When used in conjunction with the Old
Testament Survey class, you will have a
complete framework for study of the entire Bible.
for this course unless you have done so previously. Keep a
record of your sign in date because you will be required to enter
it on the Sign In "Finish" form that you will submit at
the end of the entire course.
1. Student
is required to read the
text, "New Testament Survey," by Dr. T.E. VanBuskirk,
reading each of the books of the Bible that
correspond to each lesson as you do that lesson. The student
is required to complete the review questions in the textbook at
the end of each of the sections and correct them from the text.
All answers must match those in the text before proceeding to the
next section.
2. Write
out each of the scriptures referenced in the textbook- only the
ones indicated by the blank lines following a scripture reference.
NOTE: Student may
not complete
more than one section in any one week.
Some sections, such as the first section, will take several weeks
to complete.
One week per lesson is
the minimum allowed attendance.
Attendance for
the entire course is 27 weeks minimum.
are no section tests in this course. The review questions at
the end of each section are only for your use for a means of
review. The answers do not need to be turned in to us; nor
are the answers to be sent to us. Any blanks in the
scriptures in the textbook are only there to make sure you look up
every scripture referenced in the textbook.
will be a final test at the end of the course. The Final
Test will be closed book.
course is worth 4 credits.
following will all be used to compute your grade.
1. Completion
of your textbook/workbook.
2. Completion
of your Bible reading of the entire New Testament that was done in
tandem with each lesson in the course.
3. Your
Final Test score.
Maintaining Active
Status: This
course requires no section tests nor does it require any other
communication with us while student is taking this course.
Therefore, because of the lack of any communication, student needs
to verify their active status every 30 days by submitting an Active
Status Verification form.
If student is taking other courses that do require regular
communication with the college, then submission of the Active
Status Verification form
every 30 days for this NT Survey is not necessary because the
communication supplied by the other courses automatically
maintains the student's active status.
for this course and mark the form "Begin" unless you
have done so previously. You do not sign in when you finish
each lesson. You only do so and mark the form
"Finish" when you have completed the entire course and
you are ready for the Final Test.
and print the COURSE
RECORD FORM. On it you will keep a record of your
sign in "Begin" date because you will be required to
enter it on the Sign In "Finish" form that you will
submit at the end of the entire course. You will also keep
other pertinent information on that form such as date and score
for each test so that you will be able to keep track of your
progress through the course.
required text: New
Testament Survey by Dr. T.E. VanBuskirk
You may download this textbook
from our library or you can simply read it online.
You may print out the textbook from the small file accessed by the
textbook link above if you so choose. However, if you want
to print out the textbook at higher quality, then go to the
library and download the larger file for printing.
- Once
you have completed all sections of the textbook and passed all
of the corresponding review tests, and found the correct answers
to any questions missed on any test, then you may submit the Final
Test Contract Form and retrieve the Password and, upon receiving
the Password, take the Final Test for the course. Final Test
is "closed book" and you
must submit the Final Test Contract Form before taking the test.
There is a 15 minute time limit on the test. You will see a
time-remaining clock in the upper right hand corner of the test.
Time doesn't start until your first question comes up on the
- Once
you pass the
final test do not take it again.
- If
you fail the
final test then you need to restudy both the textbook and all of
the section review tests and then retake the final test. Repeat
this process until you pass the Final Test. You MAY
NOT take the final test, or any other
test, more than once on any one day but must wait until the next
day to repeat the test.
- If
you miss
any questions on
the Final Test, even though you received a passing grade, then you
need to review the textbook and all of the section tests and find
the correct answers to the questions you missed.
This Final
Test is "closed book."
Please click here before
proceeding to the Final test
to submit the "Closed
Book Test Contract form." This form
MUST be submitted before you take the test in order
to retrieve the Password and for your score
to be added to your file.
When you click the FINAL TEST link it will download
to your computer. When download is completed, click
"Open" or "Open when done". A window may pop
stating that "Windows protected your PC". Click
"More info" and then click "Run anyway" in
the white rectangular box at the
bottom of that window.
sure to submit a copy of the Results page
in order to have your score registered
to your file.
in the New Testament

is a Second Level Course.
Do not attempt to take this course until this warning is removed!
In this second
course in New Testament Studies you will examine selected portions of
the New Testament in an "unpretending
examination of certain passages of Scripture" through
certain character and doctrinal studies. The textbook will be
"Studies In the New Testament" by A. Webster, D.D.
1. Student
is required to read the
text, "Studies In the New Testament" by A. Webster, D.D.
Access the text by lessons from the list below.
2. Student
is required to look up and read every scripture in your KJV that
is referenced in each
lesson as you do that lesson.
NOTE: Student may
not complete
more than one lesson/section in any one week.
Some longer lessons/sections will take several weeks to complete.
One week per lesson is
the minimum allowed attendance.
There is no
maximum attendance to give ample time to study the longer
lessons/sections some of which will take two weeks (two hours) of
study for sufficient study of the material.
Minimum required attendance
for the entire course is 30 weeks.
is no maximum attendance to give ample time to study the material.
will be a final test at the end of the course. The Final
Test will be closed book.
course is worth 4 credits.
simple average of all lesson test scores and the Final Test score
will all be used to compute your grade.
for this course and mark the form "Begin" unless you
have done so previously. You do not sign in when you finish
each lesson. You only do so and mark the form
"Finish" when you have completed the entire course and
you are ready for the Final Test.
and print the COURSE
RECORD FORM. On it you will keep a record of your
sign in "Begin" date because you will be required to
enter it on the Sign In "Finish" form that you will
submit at the end of the entire course. You will also keep
other pertinent information on that form such as date and score
for each test so that you will be able to keep track of your
progress through the course.
required text: Studies In the
New Testament by A.
Webster, D.D.
If you would like a copy of this
classic textbook for your library, you may download a copy from
our library.
However, you cannot use that copy as the textbook for this course.
It does not contain the Editor's notes nor Course instructions.
You must use the following links to the individual sections of the
textbook that are divided into lessons for this course..
Individual lesson links:
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
Lesson 29 |
- Once
you have completed all sections of the textbook and passed all
of the corresponding review tests, and found the correct answers
to any questions missed on any test, then you may submit the Final
Test Contract Form and retrieve the Password and, upon receiving
the Password, take the Final Test for the course. Final Test
is "closed book" and you
must submit the Final Test Contract Form before taking the test.
There is a 15 minute time limit on the test. You will see a
time-remaining clock in the upper right hand corner of the test.
Time doesn't start until your first question comes up on the
- Once
you pass the
final test do not take it again.
- If
you fail the
final test then you need to restudy both the textbook and all of
the section review tests and then retake the final test. Repeat
this process until you pass the Final Test. You MAY
NOT take the final test, or any other
test, more than once on any one day but must wait until the next
day to repeat the test.
- If
you miss
any questions on
the Final Test, even though you received a passing grade, then you
need to review the textbook and all of the section tests and find
the correct answers to the questions you missed.
This Final
Test is "closed book."
Please click here before
proceeding to the Final test
to submit the "Closed
Book Test Contract form." This form
MUST be submitted before you take the test in order
to retrieve the Password and for your score
to be added to your file.