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Free for dissemination   (public domain or use granted) Copyrighted works  (respect the copyright)

These are all copyrighted works made available for your personal use only.  If the Lord leads, you can send a love offering to the author by clicking HERE.

DHS Right Wing Extremism
    2009  Department of Homeland Security Report

Discourse on Education by John Quincy Adams
   Textbook for Christian Education in America I.


Doctrinal Chaos of the Translations, The
Textbook for "The Bible" class.
Colored copy for printing.  (2.7 meg pdf)
Doctrinal Chaos of the Translations, The
Textbook for "The Bible" class.
Black and White copy for faster download.  (1.8 meg pdf)

Doctrinal Chaos of the Translations, Workbook
by Dr. T.E. VanBuskirk.  Workbook for "The Bible" class.

Doctrines Workbook, by Dr. T.E. VanBuskirk
    (Large pdf 3.1 meg)
Doctrines Workbook  (pdf format optimized file 1.31 meg)
Doctrines Workbook  (docx download - save to your computer)
        Workbook for "Bible Doctrines" class.
        Choose any of the formats above.
        To be used in conjunction with the textbook

        "Great Doctrines of the Bible" by Evans

Divorce and Restoration