chapter two
How to Use Faith
Click the correct answer(s) in the yellow boxes.
One of the things we need to know is how to use this ability that God has given us. Can we help it grow? Can we help it to be strong? Will God give us more of it if we ask? In short, now that we know what it is and where it comes from we need to know how to use it. I can know what a rifle is, how it works, and what it is for; but, I still need to know how to use it. I need to know how to fix it, or where to find someone to fix it if it gets broke. I need to know how to load it and where to get the ammunition. But paramount for effective use of it, I need to learn how to aim it, shoot it, and how to hit what I am aiming at. The same thing is true for my faith. I need to know how to effectively use it in my life. I need to know how to load it, aim it, fire it, and how to hit what I am aiming for. Otherwise it is useless to me.
Your Faith - Increasing Your FaithExercising your faith- The first thing we must realize is that faith withheld is useless. Faith is _________.
What happens when we exercise our faith? That’s easy, it gets ________.
Increasing your faith- There is a scripture given in Luke where the disciples asked the Lord to increase their faith.
Luke 17:5 And the apostles said unto the
Lord, _________ our faith.
Find the answer in the textbook and read the scripture in your KJV.
Click the correct answer in the following list.
What do you think the Lord did in
response to their request? Did He stand tall and ominous looking in front of
them? Hold one hand high over their heads and contract and twist His fingers
into clawlike shapes like we see the actors do in the portrayals of Him in the
Hollywood movies? Did He pronounce the words in a sonorous voice, "I
COMMAND YOUR FAITH TO INCREASE!!" And as the omnipotent God, Creator of the
universe and all that is in it, did strength and power flow from Him to them
with a light as of a thermonuclear explosion and the sound of a thousand
thunderclaps? Did the shear force of the energy flowing from Him cause them to
momentarily shrivel and then begin to shine back with a glow like that around
the core of a nuclear power plant? And in the end did that energy distort their
images as the light coming from them bent and shimmered from the superheated air
around them? Then as the phenomenon mellowed did the energy they had absorbed
settle and center around their heads like the circles seen around the heads of
Mary and Jesus and the Saints in a medieval painting as their faith, now
increased to world shaking and miracle performing size, could not be contained
completely in their mere human bodies but shone forth for all to see?? Sounds
good doesn’t it. If I wanted to go back to work for the devil, which by the
grace of God I will never do, I could probably sell that phoney-baloney story to
Hollywood so they could turn it into another lie about Christ to mix with the
thousands they have already propagated. They could easily foist it off on an
anti-God world that is ever ready to gobble up such mixtures of scripture and
science-fiction. Probably could be worth millions, don’t you think? Well, if
you have read your Bibles at all you already know baloney when you hear it. At
least when it’s stacked that high. Let’s see what Jesus really did.
Read Lk 17:5-10 in your KJV
Now we’ll
dissect this piece of scripture and find out exactly what Jesus did do.
And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith. And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you. But which of you, having a servant plowing or feeding cattle, will say unto him by and by, when he is come from the field, Go and sit down to meat? And will not rather say unto him, Make ready wherewith I may sup, and gird thyself, and serve me, till I have eaten and drunken; and afterward thou shalt eat and drink? Doth he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him? I trow not. So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.
Click on the correct answers in the yellow boxes.
Lk 17:5 And the apostles said unto the Lord, _______ our faith.
2. Then the Lord told them the tiniest amount of | religion | was enough for them to perform miracles. |
Lk 17:6 If ye had
faith as a grain
of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up
by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should _____ you.
Read the scripture in your KJV and
click the correct answer in the following list.
3. Then He told them a story that shows that the servant should serve the master, not the master serve the servant.
Lk 17:7 But which of you, having a
________ plowing or feeding cattle, will say unto him by and by, when he
is come from the field, Go and sit down to meat? And will not rather say
unto him, Make ready wherewith I may sup, and gird thyself, and serve
me, till I have eaten and drunken; and afterward thou shalt eat and
Read the scripture in your KJV and
click the correct answer in the following list.
What is the context of this passage? A request by the Apostles for an increase of faith. The application of this story to their request can be found in the textbook. Read it! The idea being given here is: faith is your servant, not the other way around. You tell faith what to do, when to do it, where to do it, and when it must work and when it can rest. It must serve you unfailingly, and that is merely its duty as a servant.
Lk 17:9 Doth he
______ that
servant because he did the
things that were commanded him? I trow
Read the scripture in your KJV and
click the correct answer in the following list.
Finally Christ tells them that faith is like an unprofitable servant in that it will only do what it is told to do. It will not grow and expand into new work on its own initiative, it has none. Your initiative is its only initiative. If you give faith new things to do it will accomplish those things; but it will not go beyond the tasks you set for it. If you want it to increase then give it more things to do. Otherwise you both will stagnate. We are told to strive toward the perfection of Christ; not tread water in the middle of some spiritual lake. If you tread water long enough you will begin to sink. Your faith is the same way. That only makes sense because it is a part of you. As the part goes, so goes the whole.
The idea here is that they are expected to use the faith they already have. That will help it to grow and expand, on their own, by their usage of it.
If you want your faith increased then go about increasing its sphere of action. I will illustrate this for you with several simple analogies.According to Luke 17:6, you have an amount of faith sufficient to perform any task. To do so is as simple as setting the faith to task so that the task is enclosed in the sphere of action of the faith.
How about one more. Maybe you want faith to bring about an
increase in
some particular ministry. An analogy for
Faith is yours to command just like a channel;
in this case however, we are calling the channel by its country name- a ditch.
- That was a long and detailed dissection of the scripture. It and the analogies given to help understand it may have seemed complicated but they can be summed up quite easily and briefly. Christ taught that if you want your faith to increase- then use it. Tell it what to do and it will do it. The more you use it the more it will increase. The wider you open the flood gates of prayer and the more directions you extend faith out to reach various areas of your Christian life and ministry, the more of God’s power will flow through the channel. The more you want it to increase in its sphere of action the more you have to use it; that’s what will enable it to grow. Like every talent and ability that God gives you- you must "Use it or Lose it!" If it is not being forced to become stronger, then eventually it will stagnate and begin getting weaker.
Read the Textbook, we're now on p. 38, and click the correct answers in the yellow boxes.
Strengthening or |
Growing | of Faith. |
Sometimes what we think is a force for weakening us and our faith is in reality circumstances, allowed by God or brought by Him, that are there to _____________. |
magnify us |
Object oriented faith
The ______ was setting right on my shoulder
and egging me on. |
crow |
Spiritual faith / Natural faith
Then He (God) spoke to my heart.
Quietly and with love He said,
You haven’t lost your faith in me you just lost your faith in a |
president. |
Immediately I began to heal. It took quite a while for the process; but to begin with I forgave Pastor **** and began to pray for him. I prayed that God would work on BOTH OF US to make us BOTH better servants for Him.
Strengthening of faith
Ro 8:28 And we know that all
things work together for _______ to them that love God, to them who are the called
according to [his] purpose.
Read the scripture in your KJV and
click the correct answer in the following list.
What I had thought was the single most destructive incident in my entire Christian life, turned out to be the single most faith building and strengthening one of those 15 years. I thought it had destroyed my faith but instead it had given me a new direction for it and a deeper understanding of it.
Which direction for faith?I learned, as I could have in no other way that the direction in which I had to exercise my faith had to be toward God and not man.
Natural faith- When I exercise my faith toward a person, lost or saved, even toward someone in authority and stature in my eyes- like a pastor, I must remember that they are not the Creator, they are the _______.
Spiritual faith-
If we use our "spiritual" faith then what seems to us like a
devastating blow from the enemy can turn into a loving and guiding hand from
God. What feels like a raging torrent that threatens to sweep us away to certain
destruction can be turned into the deep, life-giving well of God’s strength.
When those times come then we must remember that everything in our lives is
either brought by God or allowed by Him. Nothing
ever takes Him by surprise. And if we love Him, then all things will work
together for our good. From the darkest valleys to the highest mountains God is
leading us on a path toward himself and the image of His dear Son. We are
commanded by God to keep striving for the perfection of Christ. And spiritual
faith, the same faith that was a channel for God’s saving grace, is the same
channel by which we have access to His sustaining grace and the power to live
righteously in a wicked and lost world.
Summary- Let God be God! Don’t tell Him how he is going to mold the clay. Let Him allow or bring whatever He wants into our lives. Have true, spiritual, faith in Him. What can seem like the worst and most debilitating turn of events to us can turn out to be the most strengthening, faith building moment of our entire Christian lives. It can be the deciding moment when we turn from natural faith in the creature to spiritual faith in the Creator. Faith must be exercised toward the right object- the omnipotent Creator of all that exists.
Everything in our lives is either brought by God or |
portioned | by Him. |
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