Workbook for: Faith
The Building Blocks
of Christianity
a study by
Dr. T.E. VanBuskirk
This workbook is meant to be used in conjunction with the text
"Faith, The Building Blocks of Christianity."
(Textbooks on CD may be ordered from the address below.)
© 1998 & 2009 by Dr. T.E. VanBuskirk
All rights reserved
Permission to copy is granted for all
students of Salt Lake Baptist College
& Salt Lake Bible College for study
purposes and to use in your Church.
Please send a small love offering if the Lord so leads. Dr. VBK
Salt Lake Baptist College
Salt Lake Bible College
3769 W. 4700 S.
Taylorsville, UT 84118
(801) 964-0763
Heb 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen.
Heb 11:6
But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for
he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that]
he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Read the textbook, Faith, the Building Blocks of Christianity, in its entirety
during this course and read and complete this companion workbook. There
are some questions in this workbook that require the student to click on the
right answer(s) before proceeding. The answers can be found in either the
textbook or the KJV Bible.
It might be profitable for the student to open and read both books at
the same time and at the same pace so that reference to the textbook for answers
to questions in the workbook can be easier to accomplish.
2. Look up and read EVERY scripture referenced in the textbook and in the workbook. This includes those scriptures that are written into the workbook and/or the textbook whether complete or partial. This is the reason why some scriptures have blanks. They are not always for the student to fill in but are sometimes there to ensure that the student looks up the scripture in their KJV.
Stop at the end of each Lesson and take the Section Test.
Make sure you have met the lesson attendance requirement
before taking the Lesson Test, which may be taken on or after the last day of
the required attendance for that lesson.
If you have not met the attendance requirement then your test
will be disallowed and you will have to retake it when you have met the
attendance requirement.
If you fail a test you MAY NOT retake that test on the same
day. You must review the lesson and find the correct answers in the
textbook or workbook, whichever is appropriate, for every question missed on the
test. You may then retake the test on or after the next day. If you
follow this procedure then there is no reason you should not score 100% on the
retake. If you do not follow this procedure then you probably will not
score 100% on the retake.
4. Your attendance for the next lesson does not start until the day after you have taken and passed the previous Lesson Test.
5. When you take the Final Test you are required to take it as a "closed book" test. If you fail it you need to restudy the material and retake the test no sooner than the next day. When you pass the test do not take it again. Only your first passing score will be credited to your file. If you miss any questions on the Final Test, even though you receive a passing score, then you must find the correct answers in the textbook, workbook, or Bible (whichever is appropriate) for every question answered incorrectly on the test. You may use the copy of the test that is sent to you, which has all of the correct answers on it, to guide you and to assure you that you have found the correct answers in the textbook, workbook, or the Bible.
The purpose for which this book was written was as a textbook/workbook for a class on Faith at Salt Lake Baptist College in 1998 and for a Wednesday night study on Faith at Bible Baptist Church, Ogden, UT, of which I was the pastor from 1997 to 2002.
As I prepared for the class it immediately struck me that no one can teach faith, only God can do that. The best that any of us can do is to teach ON faith. From the Scriptures we can learn together what God has to say about faith. Through study of God’s Word we can learn what faith is, where it comes from, how to use it, how to increase it, and what God expects us to do with it. We will rehash some of the old things that we have been taught about faith; and then we will build upon that and we will discover some new truths about faith. And when I say "new truths" I mean things that have been known to others before us, since there is "no new thing under the sun," (Ecc 1:9) but, many of those things have not been taught to you or I, yet, and so for us they will seem to be "new truths."
We will, at
times, simply allow God to "bring... things to [our] remembrance;"
(Jn 14:26), but at other times we, in the process of following God’s
teachings, may foray into what is for us "new" territory and maybe
even, at times, slaughter some "sacred cows" of men using the
"sharp two-edged sword," the Word of God.
The Faith Chapter of Hebrews
A portion of our study will be in what many call the "Faith chapter" of the book of Hebrews, chapter 11. There are many others that call it "God’s Hall of Faith." Either of these is a good description of that chapter. We also will examine all of the other verses and chapters in the Bible that talk about faith.
The Bible Text
The Bible that we will use will be the KJV as I believe, with overwhelming scriptural, historical, and statistical proofs, that it is the only preserved Word of God for English speaking people. (See the textbook, "The Doctrinal Chaos of the Translations," for the course entitled "The Bible" also by Dr. VanBuskirk) Students are required to look up every verse referenced in the workbook and the textbook in their King James Version of the Bible.
Study and Prayer
As we study I ask that you:
1. keep an
open mind when we take a slice out of one of those "sacred cows;"
judge everything by the one true standard of the Scriptures (KJV); and,
3. always
accompany this, and any other studies of the Scriptures and or its doctrines,
with prayer and supplication for the power and illumination of the Holy Spirit,
without which we might easily fall into the kind of trouble that God had Peter
warn us about.
II Pet 3:15-16 "And account [that] the ____________ of our Lord [is] salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; As also in all [his] epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things _____ to be understood, which they that are _________ and ________ wrest , as [they do] also the other scriptures, unto their own __________."
(The blanks cannot be filled in. They are only there so you will look up the scripture in your KJV.)
In the Bible, the words, "faith, believe," and their derivatives are found some 666 times.
Chart 1. (Faith/believe) Word chart
faith 231 faithful 78 faithfully 8 faithfulness 19 faithless 4 unfaithful 1 unfaithfully 1
Total 342 |
Total 324 |
Total in Bible is 666 |
The reason for including "believe" and its derivatives in our study is because, in the New Testament, the same Greek word, "
peiqw," pay-tho, and its derivatives, are nearly as often translated "believe" as they are "faith." In fact, when we include all of the various derivatives of the word, "believe," as well as its negatives, the total comes to 324 times. That is only 18 times less than it is translated as "faith."Faith- The
word "faith, and its derivatives in the New Testament are almost
translated from,
Believe- And "believe," and its derivatives, in the New Testament, are almost exclusively
translatedOne root-They are both from one Greek root word,
peiqw, "pay-tho."
NOTE: These will be test questions.
overwhelmingly translated " faith ." |
definition of faith
pistiV {pis'-tis} and its derivatives 244 X’s
1) conviction of the truth of anything, belief; in the NT of a conviction or belief respecting man's relationship to God and divine things, generally with the included idea of trust and holy fervor born of faith and joined with it
2) fidelity, faithfulness
NOTE: Homework- In the textbook, find the three English derivatives of |
faithfulness | unfaithless |
faithfully | |
faithlessly | unfaithful |
unfaithfully | faithless |
Old Testament use of the word:
As in the Greek New Testament, the Old
Testament words for "believe" and "faith" are also very
closely related.
From the majority of the instances mentioned of the use of the words, "faith," and, "believe," (and their derivatives) and the definitions that have been gleaned from their respective Greek and Hebrew/Aramaic roots, it is obvious that a deep connection exists between the two words.
In the next section we will first
examine the different manifestations of "faith" mentioned in the
Bible. Then we will examine the difference between "faith," and
"believe." Lastly, we will see if there is a connection between the
manifestations and usage of "faith," as compared with those for
Eph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
chapter one
Faith, what is it?
One of the first things we need to find out is, what is faith. Is it believing in things for which there is no ground of assurance or fact? Is it blinding oneself to reality and believing in things that don’t exist? Is it denying the rules of nature and believing not in the concrete but in the incorporeal? Is it only possible to have faith by just simply saying, "God is right and scientific facts are wrong?" Does the proportion of our faith depend on how intelligent one is; or how educated or uneducated in the "hard sciences" we happen to be? Is faith not only supposed to be "blind faith," but also "deaf and dumb?"
the Contrary:
Our faith is based upon various proofs,
internal and external, scriptural as well as logical, and it is something given
to us by God, that can grow or be stunted, exercised or suppressed, but it
cannot be denied.
I’ll make this statement
right up front.
"There is no necessity for,
nor does God demand that we have, blind
NOTE: These will both be test questions.
Quote: Heb 11:1 True or False?
MANIFESTATIONS OF FAITHIn this section we will first of all find out how faith manifests itself in the actions and characters of the Scriptures. The word "faith," itself, may or may not be included in the references given; but, because of context or inference, we will see that it was involved. Because of space we will only examine a few representative scriptures.
This is probably
the first one that comes to mind for most people.
NOTE: Homework-
find answers in the textbook. Give me three (3) references that show that faith is involved in your Salvation. |
Eph 2:8 | I Cor 10:4 | Eccl 12:4 | Phil 4:12 |
John 3:16 | Rev 5:20 | Mat 10:4 | Luke 10:15 |
Acts 3:4 | Gen 15:6 | Acts 1:8 | Romans 4:11 |
Romans 5:8 | Col 4:9 | Eccl 1:4-5 | Gen 1:2 |
This faith is mentioned in the book of James.
NOTE: Homework- Give me two (2) references from James that have to do with dead faith. |
Jas 2:20 | Jas 2:5 |
Jas 1.2 | |
Jas 2:4 | Jas 4:6 |
Jas 2:26 | Jas 3.3 |
Little faith / Great faith
NOTE: Homework-
find answers in the textbook. |
Mt 6:30 | John 1:14 |
Acts 1:8 | |
Luke 6:15 | Jas 4:6 |
Jas 2:26 | Mt 15:28 |
Visible faith
NOTE: Homework- find
answers in the textbook. |
Mt 6:30 | John 1:14 |
Acts 1:8 | |
Luke 6:15 | Jas 4:6 |
Jas 2:26 | Mt 9:2 |
NOTE: Homework-Read all Scripture passages in your KJV and all Bible homework answers must be from the KJV. When links are supplied in the questions that say "Note: Homework-" find the answer in your textbook and then, back here in the workbook, click on the correct answer under the question and then read it in your KJV. You only need to read the scripture references that are the correct answers for the questions in the workbook. And when the same scripture is given in both the workbook and the textbook you only need to read the scripture once to satisfy both.
Strong faith / Weak
This faith is mentioned in Mt 9:21-22
and in Mt 9:28-29
Personal faith
This faith is mentioned in Mt 9:2 and
in Mt 9:22
Mustard seed faith
This faith is mentioned in Mt 17:19-20
Faith in God
This faith is mentioned
in Mt 11:22-24
Faith in Christ
NOTE: Homework-
Give me one reference about faith in
Christ. (Click
the correct reference and then read that reference in your KJV.)
1:8 John
3:16 Gen
1:1 Acts
12:2 Matthew
8:10 Acts
Missing faith
NOTE: Homework-
Give me
one reference about missing
faith. (Click
the correct reference and then read that reference in your KJV.)
12:1 Rev
3:18 Lk
18:8 Hab 1:1
4:7 Matthew
Increasing faith
NOTE: Homework-
Failing faith / Weak faith
NOTE: Homework-
Channel of faith
as the channel by which strength and wholeness are effected.
NOTE: Homework-
NOTE: Homework-
NOTE: Homework-
Give me one reference about the door of
the correct reference and then read that reference in your KJV.)
8:8 I
Cor 3:16 Gen
22:16 Ro
3:12 Mt
14:2 Acts
14:27 Jas
NOTE: Homework-
Give me one reference about
purifying faith.
the correct reference and then read that reference in your KJV.)
8:8 Lk
3:16 Gen
23:9 Acts 15:9
Acts 8:6 Heb
12:2 Mark
NOTE: Homework-
Give me one reference about
mutual faith. (Click
the correct reference and then read that reference in your KJV.)
8:8 Mark
3:16 Gen
2:6 Acts
3:16 I
Pet 12:2 Mt
4:14 Ro
NOTE: Homework-
Give me two references about
life-giving faith.
the correct reference and then read that reference in your KJV.)
8:8 Gal
3:11 Mark
3:16 Gen
2:6 Hab 2:4
3:16 Heb
12:2 Lev
NOTE: Homework-
Give me one reference about
sanctifying faith.
the correct reference and then read that reference in your KJV.)
8:8 Mark
3:16 Gen
2:6 Acts
3:16 Phil
11:4 I
Thess 9:11 Acts
NOTE: Homework-
Give me one reference about
Fulfilling and establishing faith.
Fulfill God's promise. (Click
the correct reference and then read that reference in your KJV.)
Give me
chapter and verse for the extensive reference.
Acts 8:8-12 Mark 3:2-11 Gen 2:6 Acts 1:8-12 Ro 4:8-16 Heb 1:2-9 Mt 9:1-11
NOTE: Homework-
Give me one reference about
Establish the Law. (Click
the correct reference and then read that reference in your KJV.)
Give me the reference in Romans.
8:8 Ro 3:31
Ro 3:2 Ro
2:16 Ro 4:8
Ro 1:9 Ro
There are many more manifestations of faith mentioned in the textbook. Read the textbook and look up every reference in your KJV.
oriented faith (Bottom of p. 12 in the text.)I do want to mention this one last manifestation of Faith:
One of the big problems today is that many people are religious; and many more say they have faith. The problem is not the lack of faith; the problem is that their faith is in the wrong object. The following show the correct object of faith.
Faith in God, various readings: Mk 11:22; I Pet 1:21
Faith in Christ, various
wordings: Acts 3:16; 24:24; 26:18; Gal 3:26; Eph 1:15;
Col 1:4; I Tim 3:13; II Tim 1:13; 3:15
The faith: Faith is so important that our whole system of worship and practice is not called "religion," in the Bible, but is called "the faith."
Give me four (4) things we are to be
"in (or) to" The Faith in the section on "The Faith" (the first 4
listed) and their corresponding scripture references.
Pick the correct answer from the left column and it's supporting scripture from
the right column.
OF FAITH (p. 14 of text.)According to Ryrie, "The Scriptures seem to distinguish four kinds of faith." (6a)
The problem I have with this statement is that the Bible tells us that there is only, "one faith." (Eph 4:5) What Ryrie calls four different "kinds" of faith really need to be viewed as four kinds of manifestations of faith. That way a reconciliation between our perception and the truth of the scriptures can be affected. Those kinds, as presented by Ryrie, are as follows:
1. Intellectual
or historical faith.
2. Miracle
This is faith to perform a miracle.
3. Temporary
4. Saving
I prefer to believe that there is only one faith, as the Bible states, but that the circumstances surrounding its manifestations may vary. In one instance it is manifested during a simple recognition of truth or fact, generally in the physical or philosophical realm. In another it manifests itself during a miracle. In other instances it may manifest itself during a serious, but temporary, personal investigation of truth; and in the fourth one mentioned it manifests itself as a channel for the saving of a soul.
In all of these there is but one faith; but the circumstances surrounding its manifestation and the results of its manifestation vary greatly. Even these manifestations of faith can be grouped into two categories:
1. Natural faith- which is the faith that is natural to us; and it is exercised toward the physical or spiritual created beings or objects: the creature and any of its constructs, including, but not limited to, physical objects, culture, philosophy, etc.
2. Spiritual faith- which is faith in the things of God. Spiritual faith must be understood as faith in the true, eternal, self-existent spirit being, God; and not as faith in those other, created, spirit beings, such as angels, both fallen and not-fallen, and demons. Our faith can be exercised in the spirit realm toward God and His ability to control the actions of those of His creatures that are also in the spirit realm, but our faith is in Him not them. When we exercise faith in those created spirit beings, then we are exercising "natural" faith; or, to put it another way, faith in the creation rather than faith in the Creator.
Summary- We have to conclude that there is only one kind of faith but that the manifestations of it may vary; and that the objects toward which it is exercised may also vary. That is why we group these manifestations into two categorical types: Natural faith and Spiritual faith. Natural faith is faith toward the creation and Spiritual faith is faith toward the Creator.
NOTE: These will be test questions.
There are two (2) categories of faith. Natural faith is faith toward the creation.
NOTE: The apparentness of this observation may, perhaps, more clearly be seen in the extensive, even though non-comprehensive presentation, of the different kinds of manifestations of faith in the Scriptures presented previously in this section.
If you failed the test, then restudy this section and retake the test on or after the next day.
Once you have passed the test, do not take it again.
If you missed any questions on the test, even though you may have received a passing score, then restudy the section and find all of the correct answers to any questions that you missed. A copy of your test was sent to you with the correct answers on it. You may use that for comparison purposes to make sure you have found the correct answers in the textbook.
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