Salt Lake Bible College (SLBC) and Heritage Baptist College (HBCI)

Its existence:
Salt Lake Bible College (SLBC) was originally formed as an arm of Salt Lake Baptist College to meet the needs of those who may or may not call themselves Baptist.  It then became an independent college in 2008.  As of 2022 Salt Lake Baptist College ceased its online operations and to meet the ongoing needs of current and future students Heritage Baptist College, International, (HBCI) began online operation in June of 2022 as a sub-division of SLBC for Baptist students.
    It is our belief that those Christians who truly want to serve God need to know exactly what the Bible teaches so that they will be able to then take that knowledge to others and in so doing further the will of God in their lives.  We also believe that everyone, regardless of religious background or a lack thereof, need the Word of God.  Therefore, anyone wanting to study with us will be accepted as a student.

Its purpose:
    The purpose of SLBC is to teach the Bible to those who need to be grounded in solid biblical teachings rather than denominational teachings and/or the teachings of liberal theologians who have denied the faith under the banners of compromise and/or unbelief.
    SLBC and HBCI are ministries of Heritage Baptist Church of Salt Lake City, Utah, which is an Independent Baptist Church.  Christ alone is the head of Heritage Baptist Church and the Bible is its only rule of faith and practice.  Therefore, at Heritage Baptist Church and at the colleges which are ministries of it, only those doctrines taught in the scriptures are given credence and, therefore, only those same doctrines are taught from the pulpit of the Church and in the courses of the Bible colleges.

How long has it been here and its effectiveness?
    Although Salt Lake Bible College itself originally started in September of 2007, as an arm of Salt Lake Baptist College (now no longer operating online) SLBC draws upon the essence of that college's (at that time) 27 years of existence and experience in preparing men and women for the ministry by means of solid, biblical, teachings.  The majority of students of Salt Lake Bible College and Heritage Baptist College are either pastoring or working in some sort of a supportive ministry (Sunday School teachers and/or Christian School teachers, or as pastor's or worker's wives, street preaching, etc.) or working in various outreach ministries such as street preaching, jail and prison ministries, evangelism, and revivalists winning souls and encouraging pastors and churches through holding both tent and indoor meetings.  Others are serving as home or foreign missionaries across North America and around the world.
    Some of those graduates are now perpetuating the teaching ministry of the college at the churches where they are now pastoring.  This they are accomplishing through the establishing of Bible Colleges and Bible Institutes in their churches in 77 countries on every continent except Antarctica using study materials from SLBC/HBC.

    SLBC/HBCI numbers among their graduates many pastors, workers, educators, theologians, authors, and a multitude of local church full-time and volunteer staff.  It also numbers among its staff and contributors, professors with several hundred years of combined teaching and pastoring experience.

    Salt Lake Bible College and Heritage Baptist College are registered as a private schools with the state of Utah and with UEN- the state educational agency known as the "Utah Education Network."  Access our listings at,  Scroll down that page to see the listing for Salt Lake Bible College and Heritage Baptist College.

Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.

Dr. T.E. VanBuskirk
President, SLBC & HBC