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       The Foundation for Biblical Studies


- President -
Dr. T.E. VanBuskirk

- Vice President -
Jerry Spillman

- Vice President -
Fred Hamilton

- Vice President -
Dr. James Wilkins
(graduated to Heaven)

- Secretary -
Gracia Roemer

Main offices mail:
The Foundation for
Biblical Studies
PO Box 161016
Salt Lake City, UT



      The Foundation for Biblical Studies is a non-profit foundation dedicated to the advancement of biblical studies worldwide.  The Foundation is a ministry of Heritage Baptist Church in Salt Lake City, Utah.  Therefore, donations to the Foundation are USA tax-deductible and, for tax purposes, should be registered as donations to Heritage Baptist Church.  All donations through the Donate link below will automatically go to the Foundation but any donations by check should be written out to Heritage Baptist Church with "Foundation for Biblical Studies" indicated in the memo.

The main recipients of the Foundation are:

Salt Lake Bible College, a free online Bible College that serves tens of thousands of God's people worldwide and some students who are of other religions but are curious about the Bible, and even some who are atheist.
Dr. T.E. VanBuskirk

2. Heritage Baptist College, International, a free online Bible College that serves our Baptist students worldwide.  Also, has on-campus college classes in Salt Lake City, UT, and live-stream and archive lectures to our video college at- http://slbcv.org
Dr. T.E. VanBuskirk

The University of America
"The University of America is a prestigious international university whose mission is to provide top quality education to students throughout the world by combining both traditional teaching methods and state of the art distance-learning facilities."

4. The Uganda Project is our newest addition.
"We will begin to raise funds for our joint mission in Uganda. What an exciting time for us all!  To bring the Word of God to these untrained pastors, who will in turn, disseminate  and preach the Gospel to the lost, has been our constant prayer."
Wayne and Lori Sedlak
(There is a button on The Uganda Project page to make a donation to that project.)

A brief history of the Foundation is included below the donation link.


Debit card or Credit card donations:
      If you would like to make a donation directly by credit card online through our secure Paypal account, please click the Donate button.

Donations by mail:
    If you would like information concerning how to make a donation by regular mail to the Foundation use this link: Make a donation to the Foundation to email us for instructions or send your donation to:
The Foundation for Biblical Studies
1502 Walnut Dr.
mail: P.O. Box 161016
Taylorsville, UT  84129


The Foundation was set up in September of 2009 to help fund the online schools, Salt Lake Bible College and The University of America, as they carry on the biblical tradition handed down to them.  Their purpose is briefly stated in the slogan of Salt Lake Bible College, "Training men and women in the Word of God."

Later additions were the Uganda Project and Heritage Baptist College; both of whom receive funding through the Foundation.

The purpose of the Foundation for Biblical Studies is simple- expedite the teaching of God's Word on a worldwide basis by all means possible.


If you have questions about the Foundation, please use this link to contact us: Questions about the Foundation

    If you know of a possible grant source, please contact us through the Make a donation to the Foundation link.

Personal Contact

If you would like to talk
to someone about the
Foundation you may call
10:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Monday - Friday
Salt Lake City, UT
USA time.

It is now
in Salt Lake City, Utah,

© 2009 through 2022 by Dr. T.E. VanBuskirk and The Foundation for Biblical Studies