In this series of courses you will study the precepts of
Bible-based Christian Counseling.
In the first course you will learn some basic practical counseling
principles. In the succeeding
courses you will build upon the basics and expand your ability to give
clear, sound, Bible-
based counsel on a wide variety of subjects. All of the courses in
the series will be
bible-based and will afford you the opportunity to learn how to counsel
creatures using God's own precepts from His Word which is the owners
manual for the human race and all of the Creation.
Some courses are available now and others will be
added later.
(Basic Training for)

Spiritual Warfare
(This is a Second
Level Required Course)
A study of the battles behind life's battles; and biblical
instruction in:
1. The only sure way to victory.
2. God's promise of that victory.
3. His way to accomplish that victory.
Course earns 2 credits.
To access the course, click the name or the dragon-slaying graphic above.
Christian Counseling I.
(This is a Second
Level Required Course)

Counseling is an area where most preachers and workers suffer from a woeful lack of proper training. In this course you will be taught some basic, practical, counseling principles. You will not be a polished counselor when you finish this course but you will have some practical approaches as to how to help people with many of the typical problems faced by people in general.
In this course you will use the textbook, Practical Counseling Principles For Christians, by Dr. Jeff Owens. You will also use the companion SLBC workbook, Christian Counseling, by Dr. T.E. VanBuskirk. (3
submit a Begin
In form for this course if you have not
already done so.
Make sure you
read and submit the Testing Instructions Agreement if you have not
already done so. All section tests are closed book, which means
you cannot use your textbook or any other
material nor have anyone help you while taking the
section tests. The Final Test is also a closed book test, which
means you cannot use your textbook or any other
study material nor have anyone help you while taking the Final Test. The terms of a closed book test are
explained on the Closed Book Test Contract form which must be
submitted prior to taking each Closed Book Test.
You must submit a closed book test contract form before
taking every test in this course.
If you fail a test, you MAY NOT
attempt that test again on the same day. You must
restudy the textbook, workbook, or Bible, whichever is appropriate, and find all of the
correct answers to the questions missed and then retake
the test no sooner than the next day. If you fail the retake then you must wait the requisite one day before attempting the test again. Use that time for additional restudy of the lesson. Remember the general rule for testing: you may not take more than one test in any one subject in one day.
- Attendance: These are the numbers that you enter on each of the required forms.
- Required minimum Attendance for the course is 20 weeks.
- Required minimum Attendance per Lesson is 3 weeks.
(This requirement means that you must spend at least 3 hours, minimum 1 hour per week
for 3 weeks, studying each lesson. This is the minimum of study time required per
lesson. You will be asked in the lesson tests if you have met this requirement.)
Some lessons will require more study time than others. To
take more than 3 hours of study time per lesson is allowed but to take
less than three hours of study time per lesson is not
allowed. The necessity for more than three hours study time for
some lessons is why there are extra weeks figured into the minimum attendance required for the course overall. Also, the extra weeks will give you a chance to go through the textbook and workbook at the end of this course and check to see that you have all of the correct answers in the workbook notes that you have written down or in the copy of the workbook that you downloaded and filled out during this course.
Study Instructions:
1. Open the text book on your computer screen.
2. Open the workbook on your computer screen.
- You can study the textbook and the workbook side by side on your screen by sizing each one so you can view them both at the same time.
- There are blanks in the workbook which you cannot fill in on the online workbook.
They are there to make sure you are studying the textbook.
You have two choices:
a. You can fill in the blanks on a sheet of paper while you study the workbook and textbook.
b. Or you can print the workbook and fill in the blanks on the printed copy.
- You do not have to turn in your answers to us. They are only for your own use.
3. At the end of each section is a test button that you will click to return to this page and take the corresponding Lesson test. The Lesson tests are listed below on this page. Your required attendance for the next lesson does not start until the day after you achieve a passing score on the previous lesson's test.
4. You must read every scripture referenced in the textbook and in the workbook in your KJV.
Reading the scriptures as they are quoted in the textbook or the workbook is not sufficient to meet this requirement. To meet the requirement you must look up and read, in your KJV, every scripture referenced in the textbook and in the workbook.
Textbook: You must read the textbook in its entirety: Practical Counseling Principles for Christians by Dr. Jeff Owens. You must complete the matching
workbook while reading this textbook.
Textbook by sections matching the workbook sections. (Smaller files for faster downloads.)
If you would like to order a printed copy of the textbook direct from the author, click HERE to go to his website. Once you are there, then click on "Online Store" in the right-hand Nav bar.
Workbook by sections matching the textbook sections. (Smaller files for faster downloads.)
THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE "Click to Return to Course
main page..." for the lesson test.
Lesson tests are no longer required for this course.
- There is no provision for you to fill in the blanks in the workbook online.
- Write down your answers on paper. The blanks are there to make sure you are studying the textbook. You do not have to turn in the answers to us that you keep on paper. They are for your own use.
- If you want to keep a copy of the workbook for your own use you can download and print it and then fill in the blanks on your printed copy as you study the textbook.
- Complete Workbook
for printing: Christian Counseling I. by Dr.
T.E. VanBuskirk.
Lesson Tests:
Once you complete a lesson and have met the minimum
attendance requirement for that lesson, you may begin
the next lesson on or after the following day.
Correcting the workbook:
Before you go on to the Final Test you are required to go through the textbook and workbook and make sure that you have all of the correct answers in the workbook notes that you have written down or in the copy of the workbook that you downloaded and filled out during this course. This is a requirement for you to receive credit for the course.
- Final Test is Closed Book which means you cannot use your study materials for reference while taking the test.
- Please
submit a Finish
In form before
proceeding to retrieve the password and take the Final
Test. This form is only for purposes of attendance. You will not receive the password by submitting this form. See the next section for instructions concerning retrieval of password.
- Once you have completed all sections of the
textbook and passed all of the corresponding
tests, and found the correct
answers to any questions missed on any test, then you will submit a Closed Book Test Contract form to retrieve the
Password and, upon receiving the Password, take the Final Test for the
- Once
you pass
the final test do not take it again.
- If you fail the final test then you need to
restudy the textbook, workbook, or Bible, whichever is appropriate, and then retake
the final test on or after the next day. You may not retake a test on the same day that you failed it. A minimum wait of one day is required to give you time to restudy the lesson before attempting the test again. Repeat this process until you pass the Final Test.
- If you miss any questions on the Final Test,
whether you pass it or not, then you need to review the
textbook, workbook, or Bible, whichever is appropriate, and all of the section tests and
find the correct answers to the questions you missed. You may use the copy of the test that was automatically sent to you to verify the correct answers but you must find the answers in the study materials in order to fulfill this requirement.
After you have finished the entire course.
Please submit a FINISH SIGN IN FORM
before proceeding
to retrieve the password and take the Final Test if you have
not already done so. You will not receive the password
for the Final Test by submitting this form. You will
need to submit the Closed Book Test Contract
form listed below to receive the Password.
Make sure you read and submit the Testing Instructions
form if you have not already done so. Only one of these
forms is required for your file.
You must submit a
Closed Book Test Contract form
to receive the Password for the Final Test.
you click the FINAL TEST link it will download
to your computer. When download is completed, click
"Open" or "Open when done". A window may pop
stating that "Windows protected your PC". Click
"More info" and then click "Run anyway" in
the white rectangular box at the
bottom of that window.
sure to submit a copy of the Results page
in order to have your score registered
to your file.
Final test is "closed book" i.e., you may not use
study materials nor have any one help
you while you take the Final
Christian Counseling
Thou Be Made Whole?

(This is a Second
Level Course)
This course will teach you how
to take control of your life.
One cannot control how long he will live, but he can
sure determine HOW he will live.
This course is an eight week counseling session which
will enrich or change your
life. And, if you use the knowledge gained in this course in later counseling
sessions where you are the counselor, you can use it to help others.
If you speed read the information
contained in the textbook you probably will get a few helpful thoughts.
If you read it carefully it
may help you to live a
more satisfying life. If
you take the full eight weeks and
follow the procedure that the author has outlined
in the textbook then you will be well on your way to good mental
health and happiness.
- Attendance: These are the numbers that you enter on each of the required forms.
- Required minimum Attendance for the course is 8
- Required minimum Attendance per Lesson is 1
Do not just read each lesson- study it and
pray over it.
- Course is worth 1 credit.
Study Instructions:
1. Open the text book on your computer screen or
download it to your computer. You have permission
to print the textbook should you want to study from a
hard copy.
2. Make sure you follow all of the instructions in the
textbook exactly.
- Especially the instructions from page 6 through
page 10.
- The Final Test will ask if you followed each of
those instructions.
3. At the end of each lesson is a daily declaration and
a memory verse and questions.
A. You are required to memorize the
verse and repeat it out loud throughout the week and
check the appropriate square in the Memory Verse block
on each day that you have done so..
B. The questions at the end of each
lesson are to be answered each day during the week. Do
not answer them at one setting at the end of the
week. You are required to complete each day's
questions on the appropriate day during the week's
attendance for the lesson: you are to answer Monday's
questions on Monday; Tuesday's questions on Tuesday;
Thursday's questions on Thursday; etc.; on through to
the end of the week.
C. Fill out the Commitment when you
have completed the week's lesson.
4. You must look up and read every scripture referenced in the textbook and in the workbook in your
Reading the scriptures as they are quoted in the textbook or the workbook is not sufficient to meet this requirement. To meet the requirement you must look up and read, in your
KJV, every scripture referenced in the textbook and in the workbook.
You will only have one test in this course- the Final Test.
You must read
and complete the textbook in its entirety:
Click the title link to access the textbook by Dr. James Wilkins.
Thou Be Made Whole (pdf)
Thou Be Made Whole (docx)
- Final Test is Closed Book which means you cannot use your study materials for reference while taking the test.
- Once you have completed all sections of the
textbook you will submit a Closed Book Test Contract form to retrieve the
Password and, upon receiving the Password, take the Final Test for the
- Once
you pass
the final test do not take it again.
- If you fail the final test then you need to
restudy the textbook, workbook, or Bible, whichever is appropriate, and then retake
the final test on or after the next day. You may not retake a test on the same day that you failed it. A minimum wait of one day is required to give you time to restudy the lesson before attempting the test again. Repeat this process until you pass the Final Test.
- Passing
score on the Final Test is 100%.
To be followed after you have finished the entire course.
Please submit a FINISH SIGN IN FORM
before proceeding
to retrieve the password and take the Final Test if you have
not already done so. You will not receive the password
for the Final Test by submitting this Finish form. You
will need to submit the Closed Book Test Contract
form listed below to receive the Password.
Make sure you read and submit the Testing Instructions
form if you have not already done so. Only one of these
forms is required for your file.
You must submit a
Closed Book Test Contract form
to receive the Password for the Final Test.
you click the FINAL TEST link it will download
to your computer. When download is completed, click
"Open" or "Open when done". A window may pop
stating that "Windows protected your PC". Click
"More info" and then click "Run anyway" in
the white rectangular box at the
bottom of that window.
sure to submit a copy of the Results page
in order to have your score registered
to your file.
Final test is "closed book" i.e., you may not use
study materials nor have any one help
you while you take the Final
Test. You
will be asked to quote the memory
verses from the textbook.
Christian Counseling
Words for Lonely People

(This is a Third
Level Course)
In this course you will learn the biblical way of dealing with loneliness. You will learn its scope amongst the population and gain assurance that there is hope, and where to find it. The knowledge gained in this course will enable you to deal with any loneliness that may have already invaded your life, past or present, and you will then be able to use that knowledge gained to
help others deal with this universal problem.
You must have completed Christian Counseling I and Christian Counseling II before
you can begin Christian Counseling III.
Course is
worth 1 credit.
submit a Begin
In form for this course if you have not
already done so.
TESTING: Make sure you
read and submit the Testing Instructions Agreement if you have not
already done so. There are no section tests in this course. The Final Test is
an "open book" test.
- Attendance: These are the numbers that you enter on each of the required forms.
- Required minimum Attendance for the course is 7
- Required minimum Attendance per Lesson is 1
Study and pray over each lesson. Do not just simply
read through it.
Study Instructions:
1. Open the text book on your computer screen.
2. At the end of each section ignore any references to
Section Tests. They are no longer required for this
course. Your required attendance for the next lesson does not start until the day after you
complete the previous lesson.
3. You must read every scripture referenced in the textbook and in the workbook in your KJV.
Reading the scriptures as they are quoted in the textbook is not sufficient to meet this requirement. To meet the requirement you must look up and read, in your KJV, every scripture referenced in the textbook.
Textbook: You must read the textbook in its entirety:
Healing Words for Lonely People by Dr. James
- Be sure to meet the attendance requirements for each
Lesson Tests:
- There are no lesson tests in this
course. Ignore any references to Lesson Tests in
the textbook.
Your required minimum attendance for the next lesson does not begin until the day after you have
completed the previous section.
week of study:
completing the six weeks of study required for the
textbook you are required to take one more week to
review the entire textbook before proceeding to take
the Final test. You may proceed to the Final Test on the
first day of the 8th week.
may take the Final Test on or after the first day of
the 8th week computed from your Begin Sign In date.
Final Test is
Open Book which means you can use all of your study materials for reference while taking the test.
submit a Finish
In form before
proceeding to retrieve the password and take the Final
Test. This form is only for purposes of attendance. You will not receive the password by submitting this form. See the next section for instructions concerning retrieval of password.
- Once you have completed all sections of the
textbook and met the minimum attendance requirements for the lessons and
the course overall and submitted a Finish Sign In form
for this course, then you will submit a
Password Retrieval form to retrieve the
Password for the Final Test and, upon receiving the Password, you may
proceed to take the Final Test for the
- Once
you pass
the Final Test do not take it again.
- If you fail the
Final Test then you need to
restudy the textbook and/or Bible, whichever is appropriate, and then retake
the Final Test on or after the next day. You may not retake any test on the same day that you failed it. A minimum wait of one day is required to give you time to restudy the
material before attempting the test again. Repeat this process until you pass the Final Test.
- If you miss any questions on the Final Test,
whether you pass it or not, then you need to review the
textbook and/or the Bible, whichever is
appropriate. You must find
all of the answers to the questions you missed in the study materials in order to fulfill this requirement.
Meeting this requirement is on your honor to do
so. You do not report to the college when you
complete this requirement. For you to do so is
required and whether you do so or not is between you
and God.
you click the FINAL TEST link it will download
to your computer. When download is completed, click
"Open" or "Open when done". A window may pop
stating that "Windows protected your PC". Click
"More info" and then click "Run anyway" in
the white rectangular box at the
bottom of that window.
sure to submit a copy of the Results page
in order to have your score registered
to your file.
Please submit a FINISH SIGN IN FORM
before proceeding
to retrieve the password and take the Final Test if you have
not already done so. You will not receive the password
for the Final Test by submitting this form. You will
need to submit the Retrieve Password form
listed below to receive the Password.
Make sure you read and submit the Testing Instructions
form if you have not already done so. Only one of these
forms is required for your file.
on words or picture)

You must have this password
to gain access to the Final Test.
Final test is "open
You may use your
study materials while taking the final test.
Christian Counseling IV.
Biblical Counsel for Christian
submit a Begin
In form for this course if you have not
already done so.
Make sure you
read and submit the Testing Instructions Agreement if you have not
already done so. All section tests are open book, which means
you can use your textbook while taking the
section tests. The Final Test is also an open book
If you fail a test, you MAY NOT
attempt that test again on the same day. You must
restudy the textbook, workbook, or Bible, whichever is appropriate, and find all of the
correct answers to the questions missed and then retake
the test no sooner than the next day. If you fail the retake then you must wait the requisite one day before attempting the test again. Use that time for additional restudy of the lesson. Remember the general rule for testing: you may not take more than one test in any one subject in one day.
- Attendance: These are the numbers that you enter on each of the required forms.
- Required minimum Attendance for the course is 8 weeks.
Although there are only 7 lessons, an extra week is
included in which you should restudy the entire textbook.
You can not take the Final Test until the last day
of the 8th week.
- Required minimum Attendance per Lesson is 1
Study and pray over each lesson. Do not just simply
read through it.
- Course is worth 1 credit.
Study Instructions:
1. Open the text book on your computer screen.
2. At the end of each section, return to this page and take the corresponding Lesson test. The Lesson tests are listed below on this page. Your required attendance for the next lesson does not start until the day after you achieve a passing score on the previous lesson's test.
3. You must read every scripture referenced in the textbook in your KJV.
Reading the scriptures as they are quoted in the textbook is
not sufficient to meet this requirement. To meet the requirement you must look up and read, in your KJV, every scripture referenced in the textbook.
You must read the textbook in its entirety:
Biblical Counsel for Christian Teenagers.
Study one lesson at a time. One week is required
attendance for each lesson.
Return to this current page after each lesson to take
the Lesson Test.
Lesson Tests: (Click the links to go to the tests that correspond with each lesson.)
- All lesson tests are open book, which means you
may use all study materials while taking the tests.
Tests: (All tests require a 100% score.)
Your required minimum attendance for
each lesson does not begin until the day after you have received a passing score on the previous lesson's test.
If you fail a lesson test your must wait one day before retaking the test.
Your next lesson attendance begins the day after you
pass the retake.
- You must find the correct answer
in the textbook or the KJV Bible, whichever is
appropriate, to each question missed on each test,
whether you passed or failed the test, before
beginning your study of the next lesson.
- Required minimum Attendance for the course is 8 weeks.
Although there are only 7 lessons, an extra week of
attendance is
included in which you should reread and review the entire textbook.
You can not take the Final Test until on or after the last day
of the 8th week.
If you have taken longer than 8 weeks to complete the course,
that is quite acceptable. If that is the case, you
can take the Final Test after you have passed test Seven and spent one additional week reviewing the textbook.
Final Test is
Open Book which means you can use all of your study materials for reference while taking the test.
Because it is an open book test, passing score will be
100%. There is no time limit on the Final Test.
submit a Finish
In form before you proceed to take the Final
Test. This form is necessary for purposes of
- Once
you pass
the final test do not take it again.
- If you fail the final test then you need to
restudy the textbook and/or Bible, whichever is appropriate, and all of the section tests and then retake
the final test on or after the next day. You may not retake a test on the same day that you failed it. A minimum wait of one day is required to give you time to restudy the lesson before attempting the test again. Repeat this process
of one day between retakes until you pass the Final Test.
- If you miss any questions on the Final Test,
whether you pass it or not, then you need to review the
textbook or Bible, whichever is appropriate, and all of the section tests and
find the correct answers to the questions you missed. You are on
your honor to fulfill this requirement. You do
not have to report this to the college. It is
between you and God concerning whether you fulfill
this requirement or not.
Please submit a FINISH SIGN IN FORM
before proceeding
to take the Final Test
if you have
not already done so.
No password is required for the Final Test.
you click the FINAL TEST link it will download
to your computer. When download is completed, click
"Open" or "Open when done". A window may pop
stating that "Windows protected your PC". Click
"More info" and then click "Run anyway" in
the white rectangular box at the
bottom of that window.
sure to submit a copy of the Results page
in order to have your score registered
to your file.
may now take the
Final test is "open
You may use your
study materials while taking the final test.
Christian Counseling V.
Words for Hurting People
This course is not yet listed on
the Sign In forms.
Until it is you cannot receive credit for this course.
submit a Begin
In form for this course if you have not
already done so.
TESTING: Make sure you
read and submit the Testing Instructions Agreement if you have not
already done so. All section tests are open book, which means
you can use your textbook while taking the
section tests. The Final Test is also an open book
If you fail a test, you MAY NOT
attempt that test again on the same day. You must
restudy the textbook, workbook, or Bible, whichever is appropriate, and find all of the
correct answers to the questions missed and then retake
the test no sooner than the next day. If you fail the retake then you must wait the requisite one day before attempting the test again. Use that time for additional restudy of the lesson. Remember the general rule for testing: you may not take more than one test in any one subject in one day.
- Attendance: These are the numbers that you enter on each of the required forms.
- Required minimum Attendance for the course is 7
- Required minimum Attendance per Lesson is 1
Study and pray over each lesson. Do not just simply
read through it.
- Course is worth 1 credit.
Study Instructions:
1. Open the text book on your computer screen.
2. At the end of each section, return to this page and take the corresponding Lesson test. The Lesson tests are listed below on this page. Your required attendance for the next lesson does not start until the day after you achieve a passing score on the previous lesson's test.
3. You must read every scripture referenced in the textbook and in the workbook in your KJV.
Reading the scriptures as they are quoted in the textbook or the workbook is not sufficient to meet this requirement. To meet the requirement you must look up and read, in your KJV, every scripture referenced in the textbook and in the workbook.
Textbook: You must read the textbook in its entirety:
Healing Words for
Hurting People
by Dr. James
Return to this current page after each lesson to take
the Lesson Test.
Lesson Tests: (Click the links to go to the tests that correspond with each lesson.)
- All lesson tests are open book, which means you
may use all study materials while taking the tests.
Tests: (All tests require a 100% score.)
Your required minimum attendance for the next lesson does not begin until the day after you have received a passing score on the previous lesson's test.
If you fail a lesson test your must wait one day before retaking the test.
Your next lesson attendance begins the day after you
pass the retake.
week of study:
completing the six weeks of study required for the
textbook you are required to take one more week to
review the entire textbook before proceeding to take
the Final test. There is no test for this 7th
week of study. It is solely for purposes of
review. You may proceed to the Final Test on the
first day of the 8th week.
may take the Final Test on or after the first day of
the 8th week computed from your Begin Sign In date.
Final Test is
Open Book which means you can use all of your study materials for reference while taking the test.
submit a Finish
In form before
proceeding to retrieve the password and take the Final
Test. This form is only for purposes of attendance. You will not receive the password by submitting this form. See the next section for instructions concerning retrieval of password.
- Once you have completed all sections of the
textbook and passed all of the corresponding
tests, and found the correct
answers to any questions missed on any test, then you will submit a
Password Retrieval form to retrieve the
Password and, upon receiving the Password, take the Final Test for the
- Once
you pass
the final test do not take it again.
- If you fail the final test then you need to
restudy the textbook or Bible, whichever is appropriate, and all of the section tests and then retake
the final test on or after the next day. You may not retake a test on the same day that you failed it. A minimum wait of one day is required to give you time to restudy the lesson before attempting the test again. Repeat this process until you pass the Final Test.
- If you miss any questions on the Final Test,
whether you pass it or not, then you need to review the
textbook, workbook, or Bible, whichever is appropriate, and all of the section tests and
find the correct answers to the questions you missed. You may use the copy of the test that was automatically sent to you to verify the correct answers but you must find the answers in the study materials in order to fulfill this requirement.
Please submit a FINISH SIGN IN FORM
before proceeding
to retrieve the password and take the Final Test if you have
not already done so. You will not receive the password
for the Final Test by submitting this form. You will
need to submit the Retrieve Password form
listed below to receive the Password.
Make sure you read and submit the Testing Instructions
form if you have not already done so. Only one of these
forms is required for your file.
on words or picture)

You must have this password
to gain access to the Final Test.
Final test is "open
You may use your
study materials while taking the final test.
Christian Counseling
Baby's Viewpoint of Life and Death

This course is not yet listed on
the Sign In forms.
Until it is you cannot receive credit for this course.
submit a Begin
In form for this course if you have not
already done so.
TESTING: Make sure you
read and submit the Testing Instructions Agreement if you have not
already done so. All section tests are open book, which means
you can use your textbook while taking the
section tests. The Final Test is also an open book
If you fail a test, you MAY NOT
attempt that test again on the same day. You must
restudy the textbook, workbook, or Bible, whichever is appropriate, and find all of the
correct answers to the questions missed and then retake
the test no sooner than the next day. If you fail the retake then you must wait the requisite one day before attempting the test again. Use that time for additional restudy of the lesson. Remember the general rule for testing: you may not take more than one test in any one subject in one day.
- Attendance: These are the numbers that you enter on each of the required forms.
- Required minimum Attendance for the Course is 7
- Required minimum Attendance per Lesson is 1
Study and pray over each lesson. Do not just simply
read through it.
Study Instructions:
1. Open the text book on your computer screen.
2. At the end of each section, return to this page and take the corresponding Lesson test. The Lesson tests are listed below on this page. Your required attendance for the next lesson does not start until the day after you achieve a passing score on the previous lesson's test.
3. You must read every scripture referenced in the textbook and in the workbook in your KJV.
Reading the scriptures as they are quoted in the textbook or the workbook is not sufficient to meet this requirement. To meet the requirement you must look up and read, in your KJV, every scripture referenced in the textbook and in the workbook.
Textbook: You must read the textbook in its entirety:
A Baby's
Viewpoint of Life and Death
by Dr. James
Return to this current page after each lesson to take
the Lesson Test.
Lesson Tests: (Click the links to go to the tests that correspond with each lesson.)
- All lesson tests are open book, which means you
may use all study materials while taking the tests.
Tests: (All tests require a 100% score.)
Your required minimum attendance for the next lesson does not begin until the day after you have received a passing score on the previous lesson's test.
If you fail a lesson test your must wait one day before retaking the test.
Your next lesson attendance begins the day after you
pass the retake.
week of study:
completing the six weeks of study required for the
textbook you are required to take one more week to
review the entire textbook before proceeding to take
the Final test. There is no test for this 7th
week of study. It is solely for purposes of
review. You may proceed to the Final Test on the
first day of the 8th week.
may take the Final Test on or after the first day of
the 8th week computed from your Begin Sign In date.
Final Test is
Open Book which means you can use all of your study materials for reference while taking the test.
submit a Finish
In form before
proceeding to retrieve the password and take the Final
Test. This form is only for purposes of attendance. You will not receive the password by submitting this form. See the next section for instructions concerning retrieval of password.
- Once you have completed all sections of the
textbook and passed all of the corresponding
tests, and found the correct
answers to any questions missed on any test, then you will submit a
Password Retrieval form to retrieve the
Password and, upon receiving the Password, take the Final Test for the
- Once
you pass
the final test do not take it again.
- If you fail the final test then you need to
restudy the textbook or Bible, whichever is appropriate, and all of the section tests and then retake
the final test on or after the next day. You may not retake a test on the same day that you failed it. A minimum wait of one day is required to give you time to restudy the lesson before attempting the test again. Repeat this process until you pass the Final Test.
- If you miss any questions on the Final Test,
whether you pass it or not, then you need to review the
textbook, workbook, or Bible, whichever is appropriate, and all of the section tests and
find the correct answers to the questions you missed. You may use the copy of the test that was automatically sent to you to verify the correct answers but you must find the answers in the study materials in order to fulfill this requirement.
Please submit a FINISH SIGN IN FORM
before proceeding
to retrieve the password and take the Final Test if you have
not already done so. You will not receive the password
for the Final Test by submitting this form. You will
need to submit the Retrieve Password form
listed below to receive the Password.
Make sure you read and submit the Testing Instructions
form if you have not already done so. Only one of these
forms is required for your file.
on words or picture)

You must have this password
to gain access to the Final Test.
Final test is "open
You may use your
study materials while taking the final test.
Christian Counseling
This course is not yet listed on
the Sign In forms.
Until it is you cannot receive credit for this course.
submit a Begin
In form for this course if you have not
already done so.
TESTING: Make sure you
read and submit the Testing Instructions Agreement if you have not
already done so. All section tests are open book, which means
you can use your textbook while taking the
section tests. The Final Test is also an open book
If you fail a test, you MAY NOT
attempt that test again on the same day. You must
restudy the textbook, workbook, or Bible, whichever is appropriate, and find all of the
correct answers to the questions missed and then retake
the test no sooner than the next day. If you fail the retake then you must wait the requisite one day before attempting the test again. Use that time for additional restudy of the lesson. Remember the general rule for testing: you may not take more than one test in any one subject in one day.
- Attendance: These are the numbers that you enter on each of the required forms.
- Required minimum Attendance for the Course is 7
- Required minimum Attendance per Lesson is 1
Study and pray over each lesson. Do not just simply
read through it.
Study Instructions:
1. Open the text book on your computer screen.
2. At the end of each section, return to this page and take the corresponding Lesson test. The Lesson tests are listed below on this page. Your required attendance for the next lesson does not start until the day after you achieve a passing score on the previous lesson's test.
3. You must read every scripture referenced in the textbook and in the workbook in your KJV.
Reading the scriptures as they are quoted in the textbook or the workbook is not sufficient to meet this requirement. To meet the requirement you must look up and read, in your KJV, every scripture referenced in the textbook and in the workbook.
Textbook: You must read the textbook in its entirety:
Words for Addicted People by Dr. James
Return to this current page after each lesson to take
the Lesson Test.
Lesson Tests: (Click the links to go to the tests that correspond with each lesson.)
- All lesson tests are open book, which means you
may use all study materials while taking the tests.
Tests: (All tests require a 100% score.)
Your required minimum attendance for the next lesson does not begin until the day after you have received a passing score on the previous lesson's test.
If you fail a lesson test your must wait one day before retaking the test.
Your next lesson attendance begins the day after you
pass the retake.
week of study:
completing the six weeks of study required for the
textbook you are required to take one more week to
review the entire textbook before proceeding to take
the Final test. There is no test for this 7th
week of study. It is solely for purposes of
review. You may proceed to the Final Test on the
first day of the 8th week.
may take the Final Test on or after the first day of
the 8th week computed from your Begin Sign In date.
Final Test is
Open Book which means you can use all of your study materials for reference while taking the test.
submit a Finish
In form before
proceeding to retrieve the password and take the Final
Test. This form is only for purposes of attendance. You will not receive the password by submitting this form. See the next section for instructions concerning retrieval of password.
- Once you have completed all sections of the
textbook and passed all of the corresponding
tests, and found the correct
answers to any questions missed on any test, then you will submit a
Password Retrieval form to retrieve the
Password and, upon receiving the Password, take the Final Test for the
- Once
you pass
the final test do not take it again.
- If you fail the final test then you need to
restudy the textbook or Bible, whichever is appropriate, and all of the section tests and then retake
the final test on or after the next day. You may not retake a test on the same day that you failed it. A minimum wait of one day is required to give you time to restudy the lesson before attempting the test again. Repeat this process until you pass the Final Test.
- If you miss any questions on the Final Test,
whether you pass it or not, then you need to review the
textbook, workbook, or Bible, whichever is appropriate, and all of the section tests and
find the correct answers to the questions you missed. You may use the copy of the test that was automatically sent to you to verify the correct answers but you must find the answers in the study materials in order to fulfill this requirement.
Please submit a FINISH SIGN IN FORM
before proceeding
to retrieve the password and take the Final Test if you have
not already done so. You will not receive the password
for the Final Test by submitting this form. You will
need to submit the Retrieve Password form
listed below to receive the Password.
Make sure you read and submit the Testing Instructions
form if you have not already done so. Only one of these
forms is required for your file.
on words or picture)

You must have this password
to gain access to the Final Test.
Final test is "open
You may use your
study materials while taking the final test.