Hermeneutics I. II. & III.

The Hermeneutics I and Hermeneutics II courses are now available.
Hermeneutics III will be available later.
In this course you will learn how to "rightly divide the word of truth." You will use several textbooks and the course will be in three parts. The Hermeneutics I. textbook is "Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth" by Dr. C. I. Scofield. The Hermeneutics II. textbook is "The Golden Key" by Ben M. Bogard. The Hermeneutics III. textbook is to be announced later.
Prerequisites: You must successfully complete the First Year course, "The Bible," before you are allowed to take the Hermeneutics course for credit. Also, you must successfully complete the Hermeneutics I. section to be eligible to take the Hermeneutics II. section and you must successfully complete the Hermeneutics II. section to be eligible to take the Hermeneutics III. section. (1.5 credits
each for sections I. and II. Section III credits will be posted later.)
Required courses: Hermeneutics I. & II. are required for all students.
Hermeneutics III. requirement will be announced later.
only one section of each textbook at a time. Look up every
scripture referenced in the text, including those
scriptures that are partially or wholly quoted, in
your King James Bible unless you are specifically instructed
otherwise for certain references. If a portion of scripture is quoted or referred to in the text but the actual Bible reference is not given, then the student is required to locate the scripture in their Bible using a Concordance or some other Bible Study tool and then read the scripture. A good Bible Study tool for this purpose is the free e-sword program that is downloadable from our Study Helps page. (The link to that page can be found in the Nav bar on
the right side of this page.) Then, after meeting
the 1 week per section/lesson attendance requirement, student is to take the test at the end of each
section on or after the 7th day of the week of attendance. You may not
proceed to the next section until you pass the test for the
current section and have looked up the correct answers in
your textbook and/or the King James Bible, whichever is
appropriate, for every question answered incorrectly on the
test. This must be done for every test, pass or fail. Your attendance requirement for the
next section begins the day after you pass the test
for the current section and have carried out the correct
answer lookup procedure for all missed questions on the
current test.
If you have not already signed in to Begin this course, then do
so now. Click
to go to the sign in form and sign in for each section (Hermeneutics I., Hermeneutics II., and Hermeneutics III.) individually as you become eligible to take them. Sign in for only one section at a time. Do not sign in for the next section until you have successfully completed the previous section Final Test and followed the correct answer look-up procedure for it.
- Each lesson in each of the Hermeneutics courses requires a minimum of 1 week attendance. You can submit your lesson test on or after the 7th day of required attendance for that lesson and you may begin your attendance for the next lesson of the textbook the day after you have passed
the test for the current lesson and followed the correct answer look up procedure for it. This is the minimum attendance required. There is no maximum attendance. Take as much time as you need to thoroughly study the material.
- Minimum attendance for the complete Hermeneutics I. course is 10 weeks.
The Hermeneutics I. section is worth 1.5 credits. You will be eligible to submit the Password Retrieval form and take
the Final Test on or after the 1st day of the 11th week
after your Begin Sign In date for the course. You must keep a record
of the date of your Begin Sign In for this and
all other courses because you
will be required to enter that date on your Finish Sign In form
when you complete the course. You will also
need it on the
Password Retrieval form which you must submit in order to
receive the Password for the Final Test.
- Minimum attendance for the complete Hermeneutics II. course is 10 weeks.
The Hermeneutics II. section is worth 1.5 credits. You will be eligible to take
the Final Test on or after the 1st day of the 11th week
after your Begin Sign In date for the course. You must keep a record
of the date of your Begin Sign In for this and
all other courses because you
will be required to enter that date on your Finish Sign In form
when you complete the course. You will also
need it on the
Password Retrieval form which you must submit in order to
receive the Password for the Final Test.
- Minimum attendance for the complete Hermeneutics III. course is to be announced.
The Hermeneutics III. section is worth - credits to be announced.
- Course
Record Form: Click HERE
to go to a page that you can print or or keep on your computer that you will use to record all
necessary information about each of these courses, each on its own individual copy. You will need
the information later. If you use this form then you will
have all of the required information in one place handy for use.
This form will also allow you to keep track of which lesson
tests you have already successfully completed which will serve
to help you keep track of which lesson in the course you are
currently studying.
Make sure
you read and submit the Testing
Instructions Agreement if you have not
already done so. You will return to this page to access the
Final Test.
- If you fail the Final Test you MAY NOT attempt
that test again on the same day. You must restudy the textbook
and/or the Bible, whichever is appropriate, and find all of the correct answers to the
questions missed and then retake the test no sooner than the
next day.
When you
complete a lesson, your attendance for the next lesson will begin the day after you
have met the minimum attendance requirement for the current
Textbook is Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth by C. I. Scofield
Course is worth 1.5 credits.
- Attendance:
- Minimum attendance for the complete Hermeneutics I. course is 10 weeks.
- Minimum attendance for each individual lesson in this course is 1 week.

C.I. Scofield
- If you have not already done so, please submit a Begin Sign In Form
to officially start your attendance for this course.
- Lesson tests: You will return to this page at the end of each lesson to take the corresponding lesson test.
If you fail a test you must restudy the textbook or your KJV, whichever is appropriate, and find the correct answer for every question you missed on the test. You may then retake the test on or after the next day.
Your minimum attendance for the next section starts the day after you pass the current section test.
Caution: You will be asked if you have read, in your KJV, every scripture referenced- including those wholly or partially quoted in the textbook. The instructions at the beginning of the course state that even if a scripture is wholly or partially quoted but the actual Bible reference is not given, the student is
expected to find the scripture in their KJV. If you cannot answer "Yes" to that question then you will fail the
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
by Dr. C. I. Scofield
Edited and test links added by Dr. T. E. VanBuskirk
ATTENTION: Ignore the Section Test links
in the textbook. Return to this page to take the
- Once you have met the minimum attendance requirement for a
lesson you may take the Lesson Test. If you fail the test you must
wait one day before retaking the test. Use that day to look
up the answer for every question missed on the test and you may
retake the test on or after the next day. You
may begin the next lesson on or after the next day after passing the
current Section Test.
you click the TEST link it will download
to your computer. When download is completed, click
"Open" or "Open when done". A window may pop
stating that "Windows protected your PC". Click
"More info" and then click "Run anyway" in
the white rectangular box at the
bottom of that window.
sure to submit a copy of the Results page
in order to have your score registered
to your file.
- Once you have completed all sections of the textbook and
met the minimum attendance requirement for the entire course, then you may Retrieve the Password and, upon receiving the Password,
take the Final Test for the course. There is a time limit on the test. You will see a time-remaining clock in the upper right hand corner of the test. Time doesn't start until your first question comes up on the screen.
- Once you pass the final test do not take it again.
- If you fail the final test
you need to restudy the textbook or KJV Bible, whichever is appropriate, and then retake the final test on or after the day following your
previous attempt. Repeat this process until you pass the Final Test.
You MAY NOT take the final test, or any other test, more than once on any one day but must wait until the next day to repeat the test.
- If you miss any questions on the Final Test, even though you received a passing score, then you need to review the textbook and all of the section tests and find the correct
answers to the questions you missed. You do not need to report this to
SLBC. It is on your honor and, therefore, between you and God.
- Finish Sign In Form: If you have not already done so, please submit a Finish Sign In Form
before proceeding to retrieve the password and take the Final Test.
(click on words or picture)

You must have this password to gain access to the Final Test.
you click the FINAL TEST link it will download
to your computer. When download is completed, click
"Open" or "Open when done". A window may pop
stating that "Windows protected your PC". Click
"More info" and then click "Run anyway" in
the white rectangular box at the
bottom of that window.
sure to submit a copy of the Results page
in order to have your score registered
to your file.
Final test is "open book." You may use your
study materials while taking the final test.
- Course is worth 1.5 credits.
- Textbook is The Golden Key by Ben M.

Ben M. Bogard
- Once you have completed all sections of the textbook and passed all of the corresponding review tests, and found the correct answers to any questions missed on any test, then you may Retrieve the Password and, upon receiving the Password,
take the Final Test for the course. There is a time limit on the test. You will see a time-remaining clock in the upper right hand corner of the test. Time doesn't start until your first question comes up on the screen.
- Once you pass the final test do not take it again.
- If you fail the final test then you need to restudy both the textbook and all of the section review tests and then retake the final test on or after the day following your
previous attempt. Repeat this process until you pass the Final Test.
You MAY NOT take the final test, or any other test, more than once on any one day but must wait until the next day to repeat the test.
- If you miss any questions on the Final Test, even though you received a passing score, then you need to review the textbook and all of the section tests and find the correct
answers to the questions you missed.
This Final Test is "closed book."
Please click this link, Closed Book Test Contract form,
before proceeding to the Final test. This form MUST
submitted before you take the test in order
for you to receive the password and for
your score to be added to your file.
There is a time limit on the test.
you click the FINAL TEST link it will download
to your computer. When download is completed, click
"Open" or "Open when done". A window may pop
stating that "Windows protected your PC". Click
"More info" and then click "Run anyway" in
the white rectangular box at the
bottom of that window.
sure to submit a copy of the Results page
in order to have your score registered
to your file.
Hermeneutics II.
This test is "closed book," which means that it must be
taken from memory alone. No study materials may
be used nor can you receive assistance from
anyone while taking the test.
Course is worth - credits to be announced.
Textbook is to be announced.
- If you have not already done so, please submit a Begin Sign In Form
to officially start your attendance for this course.
- Once you have completed all sections of the textbook and passed all of the corresponding review tests, and found the correct answers to any questions missed on any test, then you may Retrieve the Password and, upon receiving the Password,
take the Final Test for the course. There is a time limit on the test. You will see a time-remaining clock in the upper right hand corner of the test. Time doesn't start until your first question comes up on the screen.
- Once you pass the final test do not take it again.
- If you fail the final test then you need to restudy both the textbook and all of the section review tests and then retake the final test on or after the day following your
previous attempt. Repeat this process until you pass the Final Test.
You MAY NOT take the final test, or any other test, more than once on any one day but must wait until the next day to repeat the test.
- If you miss any questions on the Final Test, even though you received a passing score, then you need to review the textbook and all of the section tests and find the correct
answers to the questions you missed.
This Final Test is "closed book."
Please click this link, Closed Book Test Contract form,
before proceeding to the Final test. This form MUST
submitted before you take the test in order
for you to receive the password and for
your score to be added to your file.
There is a time limit on the test.
Hermeneutics III.
This test is "closed book," which means that it must be
taken from memory alone. No study materials may
be used nor can you receive assistance from
anyone while taking the test.