
In this series you will study the subject of prayer. Beginning with a text by T.M. Anderson which was, in the words of the author, "... written for the purpose of stimulating a greater interest in the importance of praying without ceasing."
In the second section you will study a classic series of 7 books written by E.M. Bounds on the subject of prayer.
In the third section you will study the classic textbook by George H. Deere.
1. The Prayer I textbook is "Prayer Availeth Much" by T.M. Anderson.
2. The Prayer II textbooks will be a series by E.M. Bounds.
The Prayer III textbook is "Prayer" by George H. Deere.
Required courses: All of the courses in this series are required for all students.
STUDY: Study only one section/lesson of each textbook at a time. Look up every scripture referenced in the text, including those scriptures that are partially or wholly quoted, in your King James Bible unless you are specifically instructed otherwise for certain references. Then, after
meeting the minimum required attendance per section/lesson you may take the section test on or after the last day of the required minimum attendance. You may not proceed to the next section until you pass the test for the current section and have looked up the correct answers in your textbook and/or the King James Bible, whichever is appropriate, for every question answered incorrectly on the test. This must be done for every test, pass or fail. Your
attendance requirement for the next lesson begins the day after you pass the test for the current lesson and have carried out the correct answer lookup procedure for all missed questions on the current test.
SIGN IN: If you have not already signed in to Begin this course, then do so now. Click HERE to
go to the sign in form and sign in for each section individually as you become eligible to take them. Sign in for only one section at a time. Do not sign in for the next section until you have successfully completed the previous section Final Test and followed the correct answer look up procedure for it.
- Minimum attendance for the complete Prayer I. course is 15 weeks.
The Prayer I. course is worth 2 credits. You will be eligible to submit the Finish Sign In form and the Password Retrieval form the last day of the 15th week to receive the password; and you may take the Final Test on or after the 1st day of the 16th week after your Begin Sign In date for the course. You must keep a record of the date of your Begin Sign In for this and all other courses because you will be
required to enter that date on your Finish Sign In form when you complete the course. You will also need it on the Password Retrieval or Closed Book Test Contract form, whichever is required by the course, which you must submit in order to retreive the Password for the Final Test.
- Minimum attendance for the complete Prayer II. course is 24 weeks.
The Prayer II. course is worth 3 credits. You will be eligible to submit the Finish Sign In form and the Closed Book Test Contract form the last day of the 24th week to receive the password; and you may take the Final Test on or after the 1st day of the 25th week after your Begin Sign In date for the course. You must keep a record of the date of
your Begin Sign In for this and all other courses on a Course Record form that you will keep for each course because you will be required to enter that date on your Finish Sign In form when you complete the course. You will also need it on the Password Retrieval or Closed Book Test Contract form, whichever is required by the course, which you must submit in order to retreive the Password for the Final Test.
- Minimum attendance for the complete Prayer III. course is 11 weeks.
The Prayer III. course is worth 1.5 credits. You will be eligible to submit the Finish Sign In form and the Closed Book Test Contract form the last day of the 1th week to receive the password; and you may take the Final Test on or after the 1st day of the 12th week after your Begin Sign In date for the course. You must keep a record of the date of
your Begin Sign In for this and all other courses because you will be required to enter that date on your Finish Sign In form when you complete the course. You will also need it on the Password Retrieval or Closed Book Test Contract form, whichever is required by the course, which you must submit in order to retreive the Password for the Final Test.
Course Record Form: Click HERE to go to a printable page that you will use to record all necessary information about each of these courses. Keep records for each one on its own individual copy. You will need the information later. If you use this form
then you will have all of the required information in one place handy for use. This form will also allow you to keep track of which lesson tests you have already successfully completed, which will serve to help you keep track of which lesson in the course you are currently studying.
Prayer Journal: Students are required to keep a Prayer Journal for the duration of each course.
Click HERE to download a copy of the prayer journal in pdf.
Print the journal or keep an electronic copy on your computer for daily use.
You will be asked to verify that you have kept your prayer journal up-to-date and that you have prayed over at least one category page every day throughout the duration of each course.
- You will be required to scan and submit your prayer journal at the end of each course in order to receive credit for the course.
Alternatively you can keep an electronic copy of the journal in a word-processor and submit a copy of that file instead of a scanned copy.
- You must use a separate prayer journal for each of the prayer courses in the series. You may not use the same journal for more than one course.
TESTING: Make sure you read and submit the Testing Instructions Agreement if you have not already done so. The section tests can be taken on
or after the 7th day of the minimum required week of study per lesson/section. If tests are submitted before that time then they will be disallowed and you will have to retake them when the lesson attendance requirements have been met. Links to the Lesson Tests are on this page. You will return to this page to access the lesson tests and you will need to leave the lesson window open because all Lesson Tests are "open book" and you will need your
textbook open in order to take your test. Your attendance for the next lesson will begin the day after you pass the previous lesson test and have looked up all of the correct answers in your textbook or Bible, whichever is appropriate, for all question missed on the test whether you receive a passing score or not.
ATTENTION: If you fail a test, you MAY NOT attempt that test again on the same day. You must restudy that section in the textbook or the Bible, whichever is appropriate, and find all of the correct answers to the questions missed and then retake the test no sooner than the next day.
- Minimum attendance for the complete Prayer I. course is 15 weeks.
- Minimum attendance for each lesson in the Prayer I. course is 1 week.
Course is worth 2 credits.
This course is required for all students.
If you have not already done so, please submit a Begin Sign In Form to officially start your attendance for this course.
Prayer Journal: Students are required to keep a Prayer Journal for the duration of this course.
Click HERE to download a copy of the prayer journal in pdf.
Click HERE to download a copy of the prayer journal in Word.
Print the journal if you want to record the data manually or keep an electronic copy on your computer for daily use.
You will be asked to verify that you have kept your prayer journal up-to-date and that you have prayed over at least one category page every day throughout the duration of this course.
The minimum required attendance per lesson for this course is 1 week. However, if you take more than one week to complete a lesson, that is permissible; but if you do then you must pray over at least one page of your prayer journal for each day that you take to complete a lesson.
If you take 7 days for a lesson then you will pray over one page of the prayer journal on each of those 7 days.
If you take 10 days for a lesson then you will pray over one page of the prayer journal on each of those 10 days.
If you take 15 days for a lesson then you will pray over one page of the prayer journal on each of those 15 days.
If you take 20 days for a lesson then you will pray over one page of the prayer journal on each of those 20 days.
If you take more days for a lesson than you have pages in your prayer journal, then you will cycle through the pages in it
as many times as necessary. You must pray over a minimum of one page every day.
- You will be required to scan and submit your prayer journal at the end of each course in order to receive credit for the course.
Alternatively you can keep an electronic copy of the journal in a word-processor and submit a copy of that file instead of a scanned copy.
- You must use a separate prayer journal for each of the prayer courses in the series. You may not use the same journal for more than one course.
Prayer I. textbook link: Prayer Availeth Much
You will need Adobe Reader to open this file. If you don't have it, then goto http://www.adobe.com and click on the little red and white rectangle entitled "Get ADOBE READER" and that will give you the latest version for free.
This is a basic course. Therefore, the tendency on the part of some students will be to rush through it. This is a mistake. Do not rush- do not simply read the material, rather you need to study it, meditate on it, and use it. Practice it! Do NOT do more than one lesson per week.
The main portion of the course: The main portion of this class is not the textbook study. The main portion is your daily prayer as you develop and utilize your Prayer Journal. That is why this is a 15 week course. Even though the chapters in the textbook are small ones, the study of them is, as I said, only a portion of the required work for this
course. The main work is developing a plan for carrying out your daily prayers in an organized and, hopefully, comprehensive fashion. It is the aim of this first course to help you develop the habit of daily prayer. To facilitate this, the prayer journal will be used as a guide and a means of accountability.
Prayer I. test links:
At the end of each chapter in the textbook you will
return to this page to take the test for that lesson.
Test One
Test Two
Test Three
Four Test Five
Test Six Test Seven
Eight Test Nine
Test Ten
Test Eleven
Test Twelve
Test Thirteen
Test Fourteen
Test Fifteen
After finishing all sections of the textbook and receiving a passing grade on each of the section tests and finding all of the correct answers in the textbook for any questions missed on the tests, pass or fail, then you may proceed with the following.
First: Submit a scanned copy of your
Prayer Journal and wait for an acceptance notification from SLBC.
Please click HERE to access the form for submission of a copy of your Prayer Journal.
Second: Please submit a Finish Sign In form for the Prayer I. course after you have finished all lessons in the course, submitted a copy of your prayer journal, and met the minimum attendance for the course overall. You will NOT receive the password by submitting the Finish Sign In form. It is ONLY for purposes of attendance requirements.
- Once you have completed all sections of the textbook and passed all of the corresponding review tests, and found the correct answers to any questions missed on any test, and met all of the requirements of the course, then you may Retrieve the Password and, upon receiving the Password, take the
Final Test for the course.
- Once you pass the final test do not take it again.
- If you fail the final test then you need to restudy both the textbook and all of the section review tests and then retake the final test on or after the day following your previous attempt.
Repeat this process until you pass the Final Test.
You MAY NOT take the final test, or any other test, more than once on any one day but must wait until the next day to repeat any failed tests.
- If you miss any questions on the Final Test, even though you received a passing score, then you need to review the textbook and all of the section tests and find the correct answers to the
questions you missed.
This Final Test is "open book."
Be sure to submit a copy of the Results page of the Final Test
so your score can be registered to your file.
Prayer I.
This test is "open book," which means that you
may use all of the study materials.

- Minimum attendance for the complete Prayer II. course is 24 weeks.
The textbook lessons can be completed in 21 weeks but an extra 3 weeks is included for completion of the final assignment.
- Minimum attendance for each lesson in the Prayer II. course is 3 weeks.
- This course is worth 3 credits.
- This course is required for all students.
- If you have not already done so, please submit a Begin Sign In Form to officially start your attendance for this course.
Prayer Journal: Students are required to keep a Prayer Journal for the duration of this course.
Click HERE to download a copy of the prayer journal in pdf.
Click HERE to download a copy of the prayer journal in Word.
Print the journal if you want to record the data manually or keep an electronic copy on your computer for daily use.
You will be asked to verify that you have kept your prayer journal up-to-date and that you have prayed over at least one category page every day throughout the duration of this course.
The minimum required attendance per lesson for this course is 3 weeks. However, if you take more than three weeks to complete a lesson, that is permissible; but if you do then you must pray over at least one page of your prayer journal for each day that you take to complete a lesson.
If you take 21 days for a lesson then you will pray over one page of the prayer journal on each of those 21 days.
If you take 30 days for a lesson then you will pray over one page of the prayer journal on each of those 30 days.
If you take 35 days for a lesson then you will pray over one page of the prayer journal on each of those 35 days.
If you take 40 days for a lesson then you will pray over one page of the prayer journal on each of those 40 days.
If you take more days for a lesson than you have pages in your prayer journal, then you will cycle through the pages in it
as many times as necessary. You must pray over a minimum of one page every day.
If the boxes where you mark the dates that you have prayed over that page, which are situated at the bottom of the pages,
become filled and you have no more boxes in which to record your dates, then simply make another copy of that page so you
can continue recording the date that you prayed over that page.
- You will be required to scan and submit your prayer journal at the end of each course in order to receive credit for the course.
Alternatively you can keep an electronic copy of the journal in a word-processor and submit a copy of that file instead of a scanned copy.
- You must use a separate prayer journal for each of the prayer courses in the series. You may not use the same journal for more than one course.
Study: Students are required to give a minimum of 3 hours study in each of the lessons over a 3 week period.
The student should not give a 3 hour period of continuous study to meet this requirement. The depth of the material will make it impossible for proper
absorption of it if it is simply read in one 3 hour period instead of studying it in shorter segments. It is recommended that students spread the 3 hours of study time over the entire 3 week period with not more than 1 hour of study at one setting.
TEXTBOOK LESSONS: The textbooks are a series of books on Prayer by E.M. Bounds.
- You will access the lessons one at a time through the following links.
- After finishing each lesson and meeting the minimum required attendance of 3 weeks per lesson, and giving a minimum of 3 hours of study during the 3 weeks per lesson attendance, return to this page to take the test associated with that lesson.
All of these tests are "open book".
Intro & Lesson I. |
Test II.
Test III.
Test IV.
Test V.
Test VI.
Test VII.
Test - Final
After finishing all sections of the course and receiving a passing grade on each of the section tests and finding all of the correct answers in the textbook or KJV Bible, whichever is appropriate, for any questions missed on the tests, pass or fail, and after you have received notice that your Final Assignment has been accepted, then you may proceed with the following.
First: Submit a scanned copy of your prayer journal and wait for an acceptance notification from SLBC.
Please click HERE to access the form for submission of a copy of your Prayer Journal.
Second: Please submit a Finish Sign In form for the Prayer I. course after you have finished all lessons in the course, submitted a copy of your prayer journal and received notification that it has been accepted, and met the minimum attendance for the course overall. You will NOT receive the password by submitting the Finish Sign In form. It is ONLY for purposes of attendance requirements.
- Once you have completed all sections of the textbook and passed all of the corresponding review tests, and found the correct answers to any questions missed on any test, then you may Retrieve the Password and, upon receiving the Password, take the
Final Test for the course.
- Once you pass the final test do not take it again.
- If you fail the final test then you need to restudy both the textbook and all of the section review tests and then retake the final test on or after the day following your previous attempt.
Repeat this process until you pass the Final Test.
MAY NOT take the final test, or any other test, more than once on any one day but must wait until the next day to repeat the test.
- If you miss any questions on the Final Test, even though you received a passing score, then you need to review the textbook and all of the section tests and find the correct answers to the
questions you missed.
This Final Test is "open book."
Please click the following link to obtain password.
on words or picture)

You must have this password
to gain access to the Final Test.
This form MUST be submitted before you take the test
in order for you to receive the password and for
your score to be added to your file.
Prayer II.
This test is "open book," which means that you
may use all of the study materials.

- Minimum attendance for the complete Prayer III. course is 11 weeks.
- Minimum attendance for each lesson in the Prayer III. course is 1 week.
- This course is worth 1.5 credits.
- This course is required for all students.
- If you have not already done so, please submit a Begin Sign In Form to officially start your attendance for this course.
Prayer Journal: Students are required to keep a Prayer Journal for the duration of this course.
Click HERE to download a copy of the prayer journal in pdf.
Click HERE to download a copy of the prayer journal in Word.
Print the journal if you want to record the data manually or keep an electronic copy on your computer for daily use.
You will be asked to verify that you have kept your prayer journal up-to-date and that you have prayed over at least one category page every day throughout the duration of this course.
The minimum required attendance per lesson for this course is 1 week. However, if you take more than one week to complete a lesson, that is permissible; but if you do then you must pray over at least one page of your prayer journal for each day that you take to complete a lesson.
If you take 7 days for a lesson then you will pray over one page of the prayer journal on each of those 7 days.
If you take 10 days for a lesson then you will pray over one page of the prayer journal on each of those 10 days.
If you take 15 days for a lesson then you will pray over one page of the prayer journal on each of those 15 days.
If you take 20 days for a lesson then you will pray over one page of the prayer journal on each of those 20 days.
If you take more days for a lesson than you have pages in your prayer journal, then you will cycle through the pages in it
as many times as necessary. You must pray over a minimum of one page every day.
- You will be required to scan and submit your prayer journal at the end of each course in order to receive credit for the course.
Alternatively you can keep an electronic copy of the journal in a word-processor and submit a copy of that file instead of a scanned copy.
- You must use a separate prayer journal for each of the prayer courses in the series. You may not use the same journal for more than one course.
TEXTBOOK LESSONS: The textbook for this course is "Prayer" by George H. Deere
You will access the lessons one at a time through the following links.
After finishing each lesson, return to this page to take the test associated with that lesson.
Intro and Lesson I. |
Lesson II.
Lesson III.
Lesson IV.
Lesson V.
Lesson VI.
Lesson VII. |
Lesson VIII.
Lesson IX.
Lesson X.
Lesson XI.
TESTS: All of these tests are "open book".
Intro & Lesson I. |
Test II.
Test III.
Test IV.
Test V.
Test VI.
Test VII.
Test VIII.
Test IX.
Test X.
Test X.
After finishing all sections of the textbook and receiving a passing grade on each of the section tests and finding all of the correct answers in the textbook for any questions missed on the tests, pass or fail, then you may proceed with the following.
First: Submit a scanned copy of your prayer journal and wait for an acceptance notification from SLBC.
Please click HERE to access the form for submission of a copy of your Prayer Journal.
Second: Please submit a Finish Sign In form for the Prayer I. course after you have finished all lessons in the course, submitted a copy of your prayer journal, and met the minimum attendance for the course overall. You will NOT receive the password by submitting the Finish Sign In form. It is ONLY for purposes of attendance requirements.
- Once you have completed all sections of the textbook and passed all of the corresponding review tests, and found the correct answers to any questions missed on any test, then you may Retrieve the Password and, upon receiving the Password, take the
Final Test for the course.
- Once you pass the final test do not take it again.
- If you fail the final test then you need to restudy both the textbook and all of the section review tests and then retake the final test on or after the day following your previous attempt.
Repeat this process until you pass the Final Test.
You MAY NOT take the final test, or any other test, more than once on any one day but must wait until the next day to repeat the test.
- If you miss any questions on the Final Test, even though you received a passing score, then you need to review the textbook and all of the section tests and find the correct answers to the
questions you missed.
This Final Test is "open book."
Please click the following link to obtain password.
on words or picture)

You must have this password
to gain access to the Final Test.
This form MUST be submitted before you take the test
in order for you to receive the password and for
your score to be added to your file.
Prayer III.
This test is "open book," which means that you
may use all of the study materials.