Library listings

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Free for dissemination   (public domain or use granted) Copyrighted works  (respect the copyright)

These are all copyrighted works made available for your personal use only.  If the Lord leads, you can send a love offering to the author by clicking HERE.

Major Bible Themes
  by Lewis Sperry Chafer  (txt format.)
Major Bible Themes  (html format)
Major Bible Themes  (pdf format)

Man's Renewal by Austin Phelps (pdf format)
  Textbook for the Salvation II. course.

Men and Books - Studies in Homiletics
    by Austin Phelps (pdf format)
     This edition is not for use in the Homiletics III course.  
         It is only to be used to download the original book
         for your library.
     Click this link for the textbook for the Homiletics III.  
            course divided into lessons.

Milk of the Word by Dr. James Wilkins
    This book is the text for the Discipleship course.
    This book is a staple for use in Church discipleship classes.  If you would like to purchase copies for use in your church, you may contact Dr. Wilkins through the "Doners" page.  You can reach that page by clicking
HERE  This will take you to that page and you will find a listing there for Dr. Wilkins.

The Ministry by Gerald Sutek
    This is the third of three textbooks for the Publick Ministry course.
     If you would like to purchase copies of the Publick Ministry textbooks for use in your church, you may contact Dr. Sutek through the "Doners" page.  You can reach that page by clicking HERE  This will take you to the that page and you will find a listing there for Dr. Sutek.