Homiletics I. - V.
How To Prepare Sermons

In this course you will learn what are the various types of sermons and
the mechanics of how to prepare a sermon of each type. You will
then go on to study preparation of a homily in general, including what
to do and what not to do. And, finally, you will learn how to
prepare yourself for your endeavors in this field. You will use several textbooks and the course will be in multiple parts.
1. The Homiletics I. textbook is "Introduction to Homiletics" by Shawn Abigail with additional notes by Dr. T.E. VanBuskirk.
2. The How to Prepare Sermons textbook is "How to Prepare Sermons" by William Evans
3. The Homiletics II textbook is "The Theory of Preaching" by Austin Phelps, D.D.
4. The Homiletics III textbook is "Men
and Books or Studies In Homiletics" by Austin Phelps, D.D.
5. The Homiletics IV textbook is "Homiletics" by W.G.T. Shedd.
6. The Homiletics V textbook is "Rhetoric, Its Theory and Practice - 'English Style In Public Discourse" by Austin Phelps, D.D.
Homiletics I will give you the absolute basics and will be followed by How to Prepare Sermons which will expand the knowledge learned in the first course by introducing new details of how to do it. Homiletics II will then take you into an in-depth study of the subject, in fact, it will be quite an intense study of
it, including what to do and the pitfalls to avoid; and Homiletics III. will
teach you how to examine, prepare, and expand your ability in this
field. Homiletics IV will introduce a concise summary of the subject and Homiletics V will examine homiletical theory and practice and apply it to the "English Style In Public Discourse."
This entire series will take you from the simple mechanics of sermon preparation to
the in-depth study of the subject in progressive degrees and stages that will,
together, offer you a sound and thorough knowledge of the subject and furnish you with the means for preparation to exert yourself in this field.
Required courses: All of the courses in this series, Homiletics I, How to Prepare
Sermons, Homiletics II, and Homiletics III, are required for all students. Homiletics IV and V are only required for some courses of study but are open to all students who want to take them.
“The greatest proof that the Bible is inspired is that it has
withstood so much bad preaching.” – A.T. Robertson
You must successfully complete the "Public Speaking" course, the "Calvinism I." course, and the First Year course, "The
Bible," before you are allowed to take these courses for credit. Also, you must successfully complete Homiletics I, How to Prepare Sermons, Homiletics II, Homiletics III, Homiletics IV, and Homiletics V in that order. Each one is a prerequisite course for the next one in the series.
only one section of each textbook at a time. Look up every
scripture referenced in the text, including those
scriptures that are partially or wholly quoted, in
your King James Bible unless you are specifically instructed
otherwise for certain references. Then, after meeting
the 1 week per section/lesson attendance requirement, take the test at the end of each
section on or after the 7th day of the week of attendance. You may not
proceed to the next section until you pass the test for the
current section and have looked up the correct answers in
your textbook and/or the King James Bible, whichever is
appropriate, for every question answered incorrectly on the
test. This must be done for every test, pass or fail. Your attendance requirement for the
next section begins the day after you pass the test
for the current section and carried out the correct
answer lookup procedure for all missed questions on the
current test.
If you have not already signed in to Begin this course, then do
so now. Click
to go to the sign in form and sign in for each section individually as you become eligible to take them. Sign in for only one section at a time. Do not sign in for the next section until you have successfully completed the previous section Final Test and followed the correct answer look up procedure for it.
- Each section/lesson in each of the Homiletics and the How to Prepare Sermons courses, requires a minimum of one week attendance.
You can submit your lesson test on or after the 7th day of required attendance for that lesson and you may begin your attendance for the next lesson of the textbook the day after you have passed
the test for the current lesson and followed the correct answer look up procedure for it.
There is no maximum attendance requirement in these courses.
You may take as long as necessary to thoroughly study the material. Some lessons may take more than 1 week to complete; that is the reason for the lack of a maximum attendance requirement per lesson and no maximum attendance for the course overall. This allows
completion of each course without penalty for going over the minimum attendance requirements.
- Minimum attendance for the complete Homiletics I. course is 9 weeks.
The Homiletics I. course is worth 1 credit. You will be eligible to submit the Finish Sign In form and the Closed Book Test Contract form the last day of the 9th week to receive the password; and you may take
the Final Test on or after the 1st day of the 10th week
after your Begin Sign In date for the course. You must keep a record
of the date of your Begin Sign In for this and
all other courses because you
will be required to enter that date on your Finish Sign In form
when you complete the course. You will also
need it on the Closed Book Test Contract form which you must submit in order to
receive the Password for the Final Test.
- Minimum attendance for the complete How to Prepare Sermons course is 18 weeks.
The How to Prepare Sermons course is worth 2.5 credits. You will be eligible to submit the Finish Sign In form and the Closed Book Test Contract form the last day of the 18th week to receive the password; and you may take
the Final Test on or after the 1st day of the 19th week
after your Begin Sign In date for the course. You must keep a record
of the date of your Begin Sign In for this and
all other courses because you
will be required to enter that date on your Finish Sign In form
when you complete the course. You will also
need it on the Closed Book Test Contract form which you must submit in order to retreive the Password for the Final Test.
- Minimum attendance for the complete Homiletics II. course is 42 weeks.
The Homiletics II. course is worth 5 credits. You will be eligible to submit the Finish Sign In form and the Closed Book Test Contract form the last day of the 42nd week to receive the password; and you may take the Final Test on or after the 1st day of the 43rd week
after your Begin Sign In date for the course. You must keep a record
of the date of your Begin Sign In for this and
all other courses because you
will be required to enter that date on your Finish Sign In form
when you complete the course. You will also
need it on the Closed Book Test Contract form which you must submit in order to
retrieve the Password for the Final Test.
- Minimum attendance for the complete Homiletics III. course is 24 weeks.
The Homiletics III. course is worth 3 credits. You will be eligible to submit the Finish Sign In form and the Closed book Test Contract form on the last day of the 24th week to receive the password; and you may take the Final Test on or after the 1st day of the 25th week after your Begin Sign In date for the course. You must keep a record
of the date of your Begin Sign In for this and
all other courses because you
will be required to enter that date on your Finish Sign In form
when you complete the course. You will also
need it on the Password Retrieval form or the Closed Book Test Contract form, whichever is required for a particular course, which you must submit in order to
retrieve the Password for the Final Test.
- Minimum attendance for the Homiletics IV and Homiletics V courses will be announced when those courses are available for study.
Homiletics IV and V are not required for all students.
They are only required for some courses of study but are open to all students who may want to take them.
Record Form: Click HERE
to go to a printable page, a Course Record Form, that you will use to record all
necessary information about each of these courses. Keep records for each one on its own individual copy. You will need
the information later. If you use this form then you will
have all of the required information in one place handy for use.
This form will also allow you to keep track of which lesson
tests you have already successfully completed, which will serve
to help you keep track of which lesson in the course you are
currently studying.
Make sure
you read and submit the
Instructions Agreement if you have not
already done so. The
section tests can be taken on or after the 7th day of the
minimum required week of study per lesson/section. If tests are
submitted before that time then they will be disallowed and
you will have to retake them when the lesson attendance
requirements have been met. Links to the Lesson Tests are on this page. You will return to this page to access the lesson tests and you will need to leave the lesson window open because all Lesson Tests are "open book" and you will need your textbook open in order to take your test. Your attendance for the next lesson will begin the day after you pass the previous lesson test and have looked up all of the correct answers in your textbook
or Bible, whichever is appropriate, for all question missed on the test whether you receive a passing score or not.
ATTENTION: If you fail
a test, you MAY NOT attempt
that test again on the same day. You must restudy that
section in the textbook or the Bible, whichever is appropriate, and find all of the correct answers to the
questions missed and then retake the test no sooner than the
next day.
Read this warning before proceeding. To access page,
click HERE
- Minimum attendance for the complete Homiletics I. course is 9 weeks.
- Minimum attendance for each lesson in the Homiletics I. course is 1 week.
- Prerequisites: You must successfully complete the "Public Speaking" course, the "Calvinism I." course, and the First Year course, "The
Bible," before begining your study of this course.
Course is worth 1 credit.
This course is required for all students.
If you have not already done so, please submit a Begin Sign In Form to officially start your attendance for this course.
Homiletics I. textbook link: Introduction to Homiletics
You will need Adobe Reader to open this file. If you don't have it, then goto http://www.adobe.com and click on the little red and white rectangle entitled "Get ADOBE READER" and that will give you the latest version for free.
This is a basic course. Therefore, the tendency on the part of some students will be to rush through it. This is a mistake. Do not rush- do not simply read the material, rather you need to study it and use it. Practice
you click the TEST link it will download
to your computer. When download is completed, click
"Open" or "Open when done". A window may pop
stating that "Windows protected your PC". Click
"More info" and then click "Run anyway" in
the white rectangular box at the
bottom of that window.
sure to submit a copy of the Results page
in order to have your score registered
to your file.
Homiletics I. test links:
Test One
Test Two
Test Three
Test Four
Test Five
Test Six
Test Seven
Test Eight
Test Nine
After finishing all sections of the textbook and receiving a passing grade on each of the section tests and finding all of the correct answers in the textbook for any questions missed on the tests, pass or fail, then you may proceed with the following.
Submit your 3 required outlines before submitting your Finish Sign In form. Use this link to access the outline form: Outline Submission link.
Each of the 3 outlines must be submitted on a separate form and you may not submit your Finish Sign In form and your Closed Book Test Contract form to retrieve your password and proceed to your Final Test until all 3 outlines have been accepted by SLBC. You will be notified of their acceptance. Please indicate on each outline form a "Yes" for "Does the course require that notification be sent to you of acceptance of this outline?"
Please submit a Finish Sign In form for the Homiletics I. course after you have been notified that your outlines have been accepted by SLBC. You will NOT receive the password by submitting this form. It is ONLY for purposes of attendance requirements.
- Once you have completed all sections of the textbook and passed all of the corresponding review tests, and found the correct answers to any questions missed on any test, then you may Retrieve the Password and, upon receiving the Password,
take the Final Test for the course. There is a 15 minute time limit on the test. You will see a time-remaining clock in the upper right hand corner of the test. Time doesn't start until your first question comes up on the screen.
- Once you
pass the final test do not take it again.
- If you fail the final test then you need to restudy both the textbook and all of the section review tests and then retake the final test on or after the day following your
previous attempt. Repeat this process until you pass the Final Test.
You MAY NOT take the final test, or any other test, more than once on any one day but must wait until the next day to repeat the test.
- If you miss any questions on the Final Test, even though you received a passing score, then you need to review the textbook and all of the section tests and find the correct
answers to the questions you missed.
This Final Test is "closed book."
Please click this link, Closed Book Test Contract form,
before proceeding to the Final test. This form MUST
submitted before you take the test in order
for you to receive the password and for
your score to be added to your file.
There is a 15 minute time limit on the test.
you click the FINAL TEST link it will download
to your computer. When download is completed, click
"Open" or "Open when done". A window may pop
stating that "Windows protected your PC". Click
"More info" and then click "Run anyway" in
the white rectangular box at the
bottom of that window.
sure to submit a copy of the Results page
in order to have your score registered
to your file.
Homiletics I.
This test is "closed book," which means that it must be
taken from memory alone. No study materials may
be used nor can you receive assistance from
anyone while taking the test.
- Minimum attendance for the complete How to Prepare Sermons course is 18 weeks.
- Minimum attendance for each lesson in the How to Prepare Sermons course is 1 week.
This course is worth 2.5 credits.
Prerequisites: You must successfully complete the "Public Speaking" course, the "Calvinism I." course, and the First Year course, "The
Bible," before taking this course. You must also complete the "Homiletics I." course before taking this course.
- Course is worth 2.5 credits.
- This course is required for all students.
- If you have not already done so, please submit a Begin Sign In Form to officially start your attendance for this course. - Required outlines and critical analyses:
Submit your required outlines and critical analyses as instructed and when instructed in the textbook.
The Rough Outline, when required, along with the Critical Analysis will use a Critical
Analysis and Rough Outline Form.
Use the following link to access the outline form for the final outline itself without the critical analysis: Outline Submission link.
Each of the outlines and any required Rough Outline and Critical Analysis forms must be submitted on separate and appropriate forms and must be submitted when instructed; most must be submitted before taking the test for the Lesson in which they are assigned.
A blank Critical Analysis/Rough Outline form, which you will need for Lesson 13, can be accessed by clicking HERE. You may not submit your Finish Sign In form and your Closed Book Test Contract form to retrieve your password and proceed to your Final Test until all outlines have been accepted by SLBC. You will be notified of their acceptance or rejection. If an outline is rejected, you will be required to rectify the indicated parts and resubmit it. This process must be repeated until you are notified that the submission has been accepted. Please indicate on each
Outline form a "Yes" for "Does the course require that notification be sent to you of acceptance of this outline?"
TEXTBOOK LESSONS You will access the lessons one at a time through the following links.
After finishing each lesson, return to this page to take the test associated with that lesson.
All Lesson Tests are open book.
you click the TEST link it will download
to your computer. When download is completed, click
"Open" or "Open when done". A window may pop
stating that "Windows protected your PC". Click
"More info" and then click "Run anyway" in
the white rectangular box at the
bottom of that window.
sure to submit a copy of the Results page
in order to have your score registered
to your file.
After finishing all sections of the textbook and receiving a passing grade on each of the section tests and finding all of the correct answers in the textbook for any questions missed on the tests, pass or fail, and submitting your outlines and having them accepted by the college, then you may proceed with the following.
Please submit a Finish Sign In form for the How to Prepare Sermons course after you have been notified that your outlines have been accepted by SLBC. You will not receive the Password for the Final Test by submitting this form. The Finish Sign In form is only used to indicate the finish of your attendance for the course. To receive the password, you
will need to submit the Closed Book Test Contract form. The link to that form can be found above the Final Test link further down in these instructions.
- Once you have completed all sections of the textbook and passed all of the corresponding review tests, and found the correct answers to any questions missed on any test, then you may Retrieve the Password and, upon receiving the Password,
take the Final Test for the course. There is a 1 hour time limit on the test. You will see a time-remaining clock in the upper right hand corner of the test. Time doesn't start until your first question comes up on the screen.
- Once you
pass the final test do not take it again.
- If you fail the final test then you need to restudy both the textbook and all of the section review tests and then retake the final test on or after the day following your
previous attempt. Repeat this process until you pass the Final Test.
You MAY NOT take the final test, or any other test, more than once on any one day but must wait until the next day to repeat the test.
- If you miss any questions on the Final Test, even though you received a passing score, then you need to review the textbook and all of the section tests and find the correct
answers to the questions you missed.
This Final Test is "closed book."
Please click this link, Closed Book Test Contract form,
before proceeding to the Final test. This form MUST
submitted before you take the test in order
for you to receive the password and for
your score to be added to your file.
There is a 20 minute time limit on the test.
you click the TEST link it will download
to your computer. When download is completed, click
"Open" or "Open when done". A window may pop
stating that "Windows protected your PC". Click
"More info" and then click "Run anyway" in
the white rectangular box at the
bottom of that window.
sure to submit a copy of the Results page
in order to have your score registered
to your file.
How to Prepare Sermons
This test is "closed book," which means that it must be
taken from memory alone. No study materials may
be used nor can you receive assistance from
anyone while taking the test.
- Minimum attendance for the complete Homiletics II. course is 42 weeks.
- Minimum attendance for each lesson in the course is 1 week.
Many of the lessons will take more than 1 week. That is why there is no maximum attendance for each lesson nor for the course overall. There is no penalty for taking more that 1 week for each lesson. Nor is there a penalty for taking more than 42 weeks to complete the entire course. Take as much time as is necessary for you to completely understand the material presented in the course. However, your Begin Sign In form and your Finish Sign In form must list the minimum attendances given above for
the course and for each lesson in the course. Remember, those are only minimum attendance requirements that you must meet, not maximum ones.
- Prerequisites: You must successfully complete the "Public Speaking" course, the "Calvinism I." course, and the First Year course, "The
Bible," and
the How To Prepare Sermons course and also the Homiltetics I course before taking this course.
The Homiletics II. textbook is "The Theory of Preaching" by Austin Phelps, D.D. Because this is a large book, a link to the whole textbook is supplied for those with high-speed internet but links to the individual lessons are also supplied below to facilitate faster downloads.
Course is worth 5 credits.
This course is required for all students.
If you have not already done so, please submit a Begin Sign In Form to officially start your attendance for this course.
Textbook: You can download the textbook in one large pdf file or you can access each lesson by clicking the textbook lesson links.
Homiletics II. textbook in one large pdf file. (19.5 meg)
This file may be a slow download depending on your Internet speed.
Use the following textbook lesson links for faster downloads:
Homiletics II. textbook lesson links:
Lesson 1
- Lesson 2 - Lesson 3 -
Lesson 4 - Lesson 5 - Lesson 6 - Lesson 7 -
Lesson 8
Lesson 9 - Lesson 10 - Lesson 11 - Lesson 12 -
Lesson 13 - Lesson 14 - Lesson 15 - Lesson 16
Lesson 17 - Lesson 18 - Lesson 19 - Lesson 20 - Lesson 21 -
Lesson 22 - Lesson 23 - Lesson 24
Lesson 25 - Lesson 26 - Lesson 27 - Lesson 28 - Lesson 29 -
Lesson 30 - Lesson 31 - Lesson 32
Lesson 33 - Lesson 34 - Lesson 35 - Lesson 36 - Lesson 37 -
Lesson 38
Assignment- submit a preliminary copy of your Cumulative Summary form and a preliminary copy of your outline
on an Outline form and wait for notification of acceptance of them both before starting your required minimum attendance for the next lesson. Neither the Preliminary Summary or Preliminary Outline need be in finished form. They are only for my assessment of your progress toward the final Outline
for your sermon assignment.
Lesson 39 - Lesson 40 - Lesson 41
Homiletics II. test links:
All Lesson Tests are open book.
you click the TEST link it will download
to your computer. When download is completed, click
"Open" or "Open when done". A window may pop
stating that "Windows protected your PC". Click
"More info" and then click "Run anyway" in
the white rectangular box at the
bottom of that window.
sure to submit a copy of the Results page
in order to have your score registered
to your file.
All Lesson Tests are "Open Book" tests.
None of the lesson tests require passwords.
Test 1 -
Test 2 -
Test 3 -
Test 4 -
Test 5 -
Test 6 -
Test 7 -
Test 8 -
Test 9 -
Test 10 -
Test 11
Test 12 -
Test 13 -
Test 14 -
Test 15 -
Test 16 -
Test 17 -
Test 18 -
Test 19 -
Test 20 -
Test 21
Test 22 -
Test 23 -
Test 24 -
Test 25 -
Test 26 -
Test 27 -
Test 28 -
Test 29 -
Test 30 -
Test 31
Test 32 -
Test 33 -
Test 34 -
Test 35 -
Test 36 -
Test 37 -
Test 38 -
Test 39 -
Test 40
Do not proceed past this point until you have completed the final draft of your Cumulative Summary and your Outline. You are required to submit them after taking Test 41.
Test 41 Once you have completed your final drafts for both of them, then you can proceed to take the test.
After passing test #41, submit the final draft of your Cumulative Summary and the final draft of your Outline and wait for notification that they have been accepted.
Link to Cumulative Summary form.
Link to Outline form.
Do not proceed past this point until you have finished all assignments and had them accepted by the college.
Once you have passed all of the lesson tests, 1-41, and looked up the answers to every question missed, whether you passed or failed the test, and have completed your assignments and had all of them accepted by the college, including the final copy of your Cumulative Summary and the final copy of your Outline, then, when you have completed all of those, you may continue on and submit a Finish Sign In form for the Homiletics II. course before retrieving the password and taking the Final Test.
You will NOT receive the password through submission of the Finish Sign In form. That form is only for the purpose of validating the end date of your official attendance for the course.
To receive the password you will need to submit the Closed Book Test Contract form.
This Final Test is "closed book."
Please click this link, Closed Book Test Contract form,
before proceeding to the Final test. This form MUST
submitted before you take the test in order
for you to receive the password and for
your score to be added to your file.
There is a 30 minute time limit on the test.
you click the FINAL TEST link it will download
to your computer. When download is completed, click
"Open" or "Open when done". A window may pop
stating that "Windows protected your PC". Click
"More info" and then click "Run anyway" in
the white rectangular box at the
bottom of that window.
sure to submit a copy of the Results page
in order to have your score registered
to your file.
Homiletics II.
This test is "closed book," which means that it must be
taken from memory alone. No study materials may
be used nor can you receive assistance from
anyone while taking the test.
- Minimum attendance for the complete Homiletics III. course is 23 weeks.
Although you can finish all of the lessons in 22 weeks, one extra week of attendance is
required to give you time to review before taking the closed book Final Test.
- Minimum attendance for each lesson in the Homiletics III. course is 1 week.
One hour of study, minimum per lesson. (You
will be asked on the tests if you spent a minimum of one hour
studying each lesson.)
- Prerequisites:
You must successfully complete the First Year course, "Public Speaking" course, the "Calvinism I." course, and the First Year course, "The
You must also have completed Homiletics I,
Homiletics II, and How To Prepare
Sermons, before taking this course.
The Homiletics III textbook is "Men
and Books or Studies In Homiletics" by Austin Phelps, D.D.
Course is worth 3 credits.
This course is required for all students.
If you have not already done so, please submit a Begin Sign In Form to officially start your attendance for this course.
Homiletics III. textbook links:
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Lesson 12
Lesson 13
Lesson 14
Lesson 15
Lesson 16
Lesson 17
Lesson 18
Lesson 19
Lesson 20
Lesson 21
Lesson 22
Homiletics III. test links:
you click the TEST link it will download
to your computer. When download is completed, click
"Open" or "Open when done". A window may pop
stating that "Windows protected your PC". Click
"More info" and then click "Run anyway" in
the white rectangular box at the
bottom of that window.
sure to submit a copy of the Results page
in order to have your score registered
to your file.
Test 1 -
Test 2 -
Test 3 -
Test 4 -
Test 5 -
Test 6 -
Test 7 -
Test 8 -
Test 9 -
Test 10
Test 11 - Test 12 -
Test 13 -
Test 14 -
Test 15 -
Test 16 -
Test 17 -
Test 18 -
Test 19
Test 20 -
Test 21 -
Test 22
This Final Test is "closed book."
Please click this link, Closed Book Test Contract form,
before proceeding to the Final test. This form MUST
submitted before you take the test in order
for you to receive the password and for
your score to be added to your file.
There is a 15 minute time limit on the test.
you click the FINAL TEST link it will download
to your computer. When download is completed, click
"Open" or "Open when done". A window may pop
stating that "Windows protected your PC". Click
"More info" and then click "Run anyway" in
the white rectangular box at the
bottom of that window.
sure to submit a copy of the Results page
in order to have your score registered
to your file.
Homiletics III.
This test is "closed book," which means that it must be
taken from memory alone. No study materials may
be used nor can you receive assistance from
anyone while taking the test.
- Minimum attendance for the complete Homiletics IV. course will be announced when the course is made available for study.
- Minimum attendance for each lesson in the Homiletics IV. course will be announced when the course is made available for study.
- One hour of study, minimum per lesson. (You
will be asked on the tests if you spent a minimum of one hour
studying each lesson.)
- Prerequisites:
You must successfully complete the First
Year "Public Speaking" course, the "Calvinism I." course, and the First Year course, "The
You must also complete the Homiletics I through III and the How To Prepare
Sermons courses before taking this course.
The Homiletics IV textbook is "Homiletics" by W.G.T. Shedd.
Course is worth 2 credits.
This course is not required for all students.
It is only required for some courses of study but it is open to all students who want to take it.
If you have not already done so, please submit a Begin Sign In Form to officially start your attendance for this course.
This Final Test is "closed book."
Please click this link, Closed Book Test Contract form,
before proceeding to the Final test. This form MUST
be submitted before you take the test in order
for you to receive the password and for
your score to be added to your file.
There is a 15 minute time limit on the test.
Homiletics IV.
This test is "closed book," which means that it must be
taken from memory alone. No study materials may
be used nor can you receive assistance from
anyone while taking the test.
- Minimum attendance for the complete Homiletics V course will be announced when the course is made available for study.
- Minimum attendance for each lesson in the Homiletics V course is 1 week.
One hour of study, minimum per lesson.
will be asked on the tests if you spent a minimum of one hour
studying each lesson.)
- Prerequisites:
You must successfully complete the First Year course,"Public Speaking" course, the "Calvinism I." course, and the First Year course, "The
and theHomiletics I through IV and How To Prepare
Sermons courses before taking this course.
The Homiletics IV textbook is "Rhetoric, Its Theory and Practice - 'English Style In Public Discourse' " by Austin Phelps, D.D.
Course is worth 3 credits.
This course is not required for all students.
It is
only required for some courses of study but are open to all students who want to take them.
If you have not already done so, please submit a Begin Sign In Form to officially start your attendance for this course.
Homiletics IV. textbook links:
Lesson 1 - Lesson 2 - Lesson 3 - Lesson 4 - Lesson 5 - Lesson 6 - Lesson 7 - Lesson 8 - Lesson 9
Lesson 10 - Lesson 11 - Lesson 12 - Lesson 13 - Lesson 14 - Lesson 15 - Lesson 16 - Lesson 17 - Lesson 18
Lesson 19 - Lesson 20 - Lesson 21 - Lesson 22 - Lesson 23
Homiletics IV. test links:
Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 - Test 4 - Test 5 - Test 6 - Test 7 - Test 8 - Test 9 - Test 10
Test 11 - Test 12 - Test 13 - Test 14 - Test 15 - Test 16 - Test 17 - Test 18 - Test 19 - Test 20
Test 21 - Test 22 - Test 23
This Final Test is "closed book."
Please click this link, Closed Book Test Contract form,
before proceeding to the Final test. This form MUST
submitted before you take the test in order
for you to receive the password and for
your score to be added to your file.
There is a 15 minute time limit on the test.
Homiletics V.
This test is "closed book," which means that it must be
taken from memory alone. No study materials may
be used nor can you receive assistance from
anyone while taking the test.