In this series of courses we will study Theology in its various definitions of the term.
1. One way we will approach it will be as a systematic study of the various doctrines as presented in God's Word. This is consistent with the definition of Theology as stated by Charles Hodge in his Systematic Theology, "... theology is concerned with the facts and the principles of the Bible."
2. Another way we will approach it will be as a study of the doctrine of Theology Proper- a study of God.
3. In addition we will make a comparison between the true biblical presentation of the one true God and "god" as taught in a cross-section of the major false religions and philosophies as well as several of the better known heretical sects of Christianity. This comparative study will be under the course entitled Comparative Theology.
The Theology courses are to be studied in the order given on this page. Each one is a prerequisite course for those following it.
Prerequisite First Year courses: Salvation, Eternal Security, Bible Doctrines, The Church, and
The Bible and also the Second Year course on The Millenium. These courses must be successfully completed before taking any of the Theology courses listed on this page.

In this course we will embark upon a systematic study of God's Word to learn its "facts and principles" from which we formulate basic biblical doctrines. This textbook is Systematic Theology by J. J. Butler and Ransom Dunn (3.5 credits)
Click HERE to access this course.
to the Comparative Theology class.
In this course we will examine most of the mainline Religions and some of
the more well-known "Christian" cults. We will learn
some of their major doctrinal beliefs and then compare them with the
Bible. The King James Version of the Bible will be considered the
final authority for all issues of comparison. (2 credits)
Click HERE to access this course.

In this course you will study Theology from
Major Bible Themes by Lewis Sperry Chafer
Dogmatic Theology by William Greenough Thayer