doctrine of
This course will
give you an understanding of the history of the Church. You will
study its beginnings, who started it, when it was started, what is it,
where did it come from, and its history from its inception down to today.
Textbook: Ecclesiology
by Dr. T.E. VanBuskirk
You will read this
textbook and return to this current page to take the Lesson tests.
The textbook
is divided into eight sections.
Not more than one section may be
completed each week unless instructed
differently in the textbook for specific sections. At the end of each section you
will stop and take the Section Test that corresponds with the section
you just finished studying. Section tests are to be taken not sooner than
the last day of the week of study for that lesson or lessons. All Section Tests are “open book,” which means you may use your textbook
while taking the tests.
- Minimum attendance for
this course is seven (7) weeks.
The Final Test may not be taken
until on or after the last day of the seventh week. Attendance is computed
from the day you turned in your Sign In form marked "Begin"
for this course until the day you turn in your Sign In form marked
"Finish" indicating you have completed the entire course.
- Minimum attendance for
each lesson in this course is one (1) week.
first for this course and mark the form
"Begin" unless you have done so
previously. You do not sign in when you finish each
lesson. You only do so and mark the form "Finish" when
you have completed the entire course and you are ready for the Final
Download and print the COURSE RECORD FORM.
On it you will keep a record of your sign in
"Begin" date because
you will be required to enter it on the Sign In
"Finish" form that you will submit at the end of the
entire course. You will also keep other pertinent
information on that form such as date and score for each test so
that you will be able to keep track of your progress through the
Make sure you read
the testing
instructions if you
have not already done so.
As in all
textbooks, look up all of the scriptures referenced in the
textbook in your KJV Bible.
You may NOT take more than one test in this or any other one subject on any
one day. That includes retakes of failed tests. After
failing a test you must wait at least one day for restudy of the
textbook, workbook, or your KJV Bible in which you are required to find
all of the correct answers to the questions missed on the test.
After completing a test:
If you failed the test then you must restudy that entire section and then retake the test.
Repeat this process until you finally pass the test. You cannot go
on to the next section until you have passed the test for the current one.
That means that you cannot read the entire text and then come back and take all
of the tests at once. You must study one section of the text, or two
sections if allowed by specific instructions in the textbook, and then take
and pass the test for that section or sections before going on to study the next
section. The next section is to be started no sooner than the day
after passing the previous section test.
If you missed
any of the questions on any test,
even though you may have passed it, then you must review the section
corresponding to that test and look up the correct answers to any questions answered incorrectly.
Once you have found all of the correct answers, then you may continue on to the next section
of the textbook.
Once you have completed
all sections of the textbook and passed all of the corresponding
tests, and found the correct answers to any questions missed on any test, and
have submitted a sign in form marked "Finish," then you may retrieve your
Password and, upon receiving the Password, take the Final Test for the
Final Test is "open book."
Once you have passed
the final test, do not take it again.
- If you fail the final test then you need to restudy the textbook, all of the section tests,
and your KJV Bible, whichever is appropriate, and then retake the final test. Repeat this process until you pass the Final
Test but do not take retests on the same day that you failed the test or
the retakes.
If you miss any questions
on the Final Test,
even though you passed it, then you need to review the textbook and all of
the section tests and your KJV Bible, whichever ones are appropriate, and find the correct answers in the textbook to the questions you missed.
A copy of each of your section tests was sent to you and they will have all of the correct answers on it for comparison
purposes to make sure you have found the correct answer in the textbook.
may now proceed to the textbook, ECCLESIOLOGY.
Return to this page to access the section tests.
you click the FINAL TEST link it will download
to your computer. When download is completed, click
"Open" or "Open when done". A window may pop
stating that "Windows protected your PC". Click
"More info" and then click "Run anyway" in
the white rectangular box at the
bottom of that window.
sure to submit a copy of the Results page
in order to have your score registered
to your file.
will be links in the textbook which will return you to this page to take
your section tests.
These are the links to the tests:
When you have successfully
completed all of the Section Tests and
fulfilled the attendance requirement for the course overall,
then you may proceed to the course Final Test.
Please submit a Finish Sign
In form before
proceeding to retrieve the password and take the Final Test.
Make sure you read
and submit the Testing
if you
have not already done so.

You must have
the password to gain access
to the Final Test.
you click the FINAL TEST link it will download
to your computer. When download is completed, click
"Open" or "Open when done". A window may pop
stating that "Windows protected your PC". Click
"More info" and then click "Run anyway" in
the white rectangular box at the
bottom of that window.
sure to submit a copy of the Results page
in order to have your score registered
to your file.
Final test is
"open book" i.e., you may use your
textbook/workbook while taking the final test.