Only for students who signed up before September 19, 2013 or students who have received permission for a Special Course of Study.

Please read and follow ALL of the instructions on this page.  Failure to follow instructions may result in disallowance of work and tests and a loss of credits.

If    If you are taking classes for credit, please submit a Begin Sign In Form when you first start each course and then submit a Finish Sign In Form when you complete the entire course.  You do not submit the Finish Sign In form when you "Finish" each lesson- only when you "Finish" the entire course.

1.   This is a link to a COURSE RECORD FORM which is required for each course.

2.   Students are also required to report their grades for verification to the Administrative Office every 6 months.  This is accomplished by means of the TRANSCRIPT & GRADES FORM.  To access that form, click that link.  Your computer will ask you to specify where the form download is to be saved.  Specify somewhere you will be able to easily find it.
To access an instruction video explaining use of the form, click HERE and scroll down to the video entitled
How to Use the Transcript and Grades Template. Update that form every time you start a course and every time you pass a quiz/test.
ATTENTION: Be sure to submit a copy of the form to the college every six (6) months to keep your Academic File current.  Keep updating the same form and add the new information to it and send a copy of it to the college. Do not use a different form each time.

Please take a copy of the Results page of all tests.  Sometimes tests do not submit properly to the Internet from student's computer.  If this happens you will not automatically receive your copy of the test.  If you do not, submit a Contact Us form and inform us that you did not receive your test copy.  If we did receive ours, we can then forward a copy to you.  If we did not receive ours, that means your test did not submit properly and we will request that you send us a copy of the Results page of the test.  If you do not have that copy, then you will have to retake the test in order to receive credit for it.


In   In general, credits are figured according to the following schedule.  One credit being awarded per one-quarter course, two per semester, six per year.  This general schedule of one credit per quarter course may be superceded by specific credit awards stated on individual course pages.


        Make sure you read and submit the Testing Instructions if you have not already done so.  Only one (1) Testing Instructions form is required from each student.  If you do not submit a Testing Instructions form you will not be able to correctly fill out the information page of the tests.  And without a Testing Instructions form in your file your tests will be disallowed and they will not be credited to you.


Practical Christian Ministry   
    If you are actively involved in a ministry in your local church on a regular basis, then you are eligible for 1 credit per quarter (6 credits per year) for practical Christian ministry.  "Actively involved" is defined as at least 1 or 2 days per week of some type of Church ministry.

Bachelor, Master, Doctor - THESIS 
If you are working on your Bachelor, Master, or Doctor degree you will need to write a thesis of appropriate size and content before the degree can be issued to you.  You may begin work on your thesis at any time but if you are within one year of earning any of the degrees listed, you need to begin work on your thesis now.  To view the requirements for theses for those three degree levels, please click HERE to access the Thesis page.

Spiritual Warfare (Basic Training for)
  Sp Wrfare Title Page.jpg (110967 bytes)
    A study of the battles behind life's battles; and biblical instruction in (1) the only sure way to victory and (2) God's
promise of that victory and (3) His way to accomplish that victory.  (2 credits)


Critical Thinking I.

    This course will help you rearrange your thinking process away from chaotic and train it to be both critical and disciplined
from a Biblical Worldview.  (3 credits for the first course in the series.)

Baptist History and Distinctives 
   This course will give you an understanding of the history of the Baptists.  In this course you will gain an understanding of them as the only group extant today that never associated with Rome (meaning the Roman Catholic Church) and, because of their refusal to bow to the Catholic dictatorship, you will see their story written in fire and blood exactly as it stained the pages of religious and secular history.  (1 credit)

      Studies in the New Testament


In this second course in New Testament Studies you will examine selected portions of the New Testament in an "unpretending examination of certain passages of Scripture" through certain character and doctrinal studies.  The textbook will be "Studies In the New Testament" by A. Webster, D.D.  (4 credits)

Christian Character II.  

    This course is a series of 12 Bible Studies centering on Personal Consecration.  The textbook is "Personal Consecration" by Hubert Brooke.  (1.5 credits)

Pastoral Theology
   In this course you will study what God says about the Pastor.  Who, why, how, when, his qualifications, his family, etc., will be discussed in this class.
   This class is based upon the notes from a class taught by Dr. Loys Vess who is now with his Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  This study is taken chiefly from that class and has been expanded somewhat by Dr. T.E. VanBuskirk who is one of Dr. Vess' students.  This is a class from pastors to pastors about pastors as taught by the Lord, the original New Testament pastor, in His Bible.  (2 credits)

The Church and Missions (Missions I.)
   In this course you will study the biblical concept of missions and the Great Commission that was given to the Local Church by Jesus Christ himself.  This course will be a comprehensive study of the who, what, where, when, how, and why, of the biblical precept of world-wide missions and how it, and the responsibility for it, applies to the Local New Testament Church.  (1.5 credits)

Growing as a Co-Laborer with God In World Missions (Missions II.) 

Learn the “big picture” and the foundational biblical principles of giving by faith. Not only will these principles increase your faith but also enlarge the numbers of missionaries on the field.
      Prerequisite course: You must successfully complete Missions I (The Church and Missions) before you are eligible to study the Missions II course.

Through the Eyes Of Compassion.  (Missions III.) 

In secular society where many Christians have become routine in their Christian life, comes a call for Compassion From a Lost and Dying World.

   In this course you will study the book of Hebrews, verse by verse.
    After a brief introduction addressing the historical arguments concerning date, authorship, to whom was it written, and canonicity, we will go on to a verse by verse examination of the book and its teachings and comparisons concerning the New Covenant under Christ and the Old Covenant under the Mosaic Law.  (1.5 credits)

Christian Education I 
In this course you will use the classic textbook "The Seven Laws of Teaching" by John M. Gregory.
The course is divided into 9 lessons with tests for each lesson.
   You will study practical and scholarly methods for teaching that have been used for decades.
   Section Tests are "open book" but the Final Test is "closed book."  (1.5 credit)

Christian Education II    
Christian Education in America
    This course will give you a glimpse into the historical background of education in America from the sixth president of the USA, John Quincy Adams.  (.5 credits)

Public Speaking  
   In this course you will learn the basics of oral communication.  You will sharpen your skills by using the methods learned in this class while speaking before groups as well as exercising your one on one communication techniques.  (1.5 credits)


This used to be a Third Level course but because of the interest expressed by many students it has been moved up to the Second Level.

  Christian Counseling I.     
                                         Textbook                 Workbook

   Counseling is an area where most preachers and other Christian workers suffer from a woeful lack of proper training. In this course you will be taught some basic, practical, counseling principles.  You will not be a polished counselor when you finish this course but you will have some practical approaches which will enable you to help people with many of the typical problems faced by people in general. (3 credits)

Christian Counseling II.
Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?

    Christian Counseling II. 

           This course will teach you how to take control of your life.
    One cannot control how long he will live, but he can sure determine HOW he will live. This course is an eight week counseling session which will enrich or change your life.    And, if you use the knowledge gained in this course in later counseling sessions where you are the counselor, you can use it to help others.  (1 credit)


Prayer I. - II. - III. 

   There will be three courses in this series.  Each course is a prerequisite for the following courses; therefore, you will work through the series sequentially.     
    You may only study one of the three at a time.  The textbooks for the series will be classic texts that will treat the subject in much depth.


Several Eschatology courses will be offered in this series.
    - The first, The Book of The Revelation, will be a comprehensive study of the Book, beginning with a study of the Seven Churches of Asia from several different perspectives.
    - The second, The Millennium, will cover the thousand year period subsequent to the Tribulation.
    - Other courses will also be offered in this series.

Each part is a course unto itself and you will receive credits for each part independent of the other parts.

The Book of The Revelation (Revelation I.)

    In this first course in the Eschatology series, The Book of the Revelation, you will study the Seven Churches of Asia from both a geographical and a spiritual standpoint.  This course is worth 1.5 credits and will take 10 weeks to complete.

The Millennium
Revelation II.)


In this second course in the Eschatology series you will study the 1,000 year reign of Christ, known as The Millennium, and the believer's place in it.  This course is worth 2 credits and will take 16 weeks to complete.


Revelation III.              
                                                        (Based upon the chart by Dr. Ironside)

                                                                THIS COURSE IS NOT YET AVAILABLE


Other courses in this series will be offered later.

Life of Christ 

    In this series you will study the life of Christ from varied angles.

          Bible Doctrines II. 

Through a study of the "Fundamentals of the Faith" you will gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental doctrines upon which true understanding of the Scriptures is built and the practice of the precepts taught therein.  These fundamentals were once believed by all who claimed to be Christian.  This is not true today, as you will find when you study the Third Level course, Comparative Theology, and other courses that address modern and older beliefs.  Through this course you will understand better what beliefs are fundamental to true Christian faith and practice.



Theology I. 

In this course we will embark upon a systematic study of God's Word to learn its facts and principles; from which are formulated the basic biblical doctrines.

Prerequisite First Level courses: Salvation, Eternal Security, Bible Doctrines, The Church, and The Bible and also the Second Level course on The Millenium.

Comparative Theology 

   In this course you will study some of the main-line Religions and Christian cults and work step by step through some of their basic doctrines and see how they compare with those of God as He has given them to us in His Bible.  (2 credits)


Theology II. 


Calvinism I and Calvinism II 

    In these courses you will study the unbiblical doctrine of Calvinism.  You will see, from the scriptures, God's true teachings on Election and Salvation.
   This course will be in two parts.  Students will earn credits for each part independent of the other; however, you must pass Calvinism I. before you can take Calvinism II.

Hermeneutics I. - II. - III. 
    In this course you will learn how to "rightly divide the word of truth."  You will use several textbooks and the course will be in three parts.  The Hermeneutics I. textbook is "Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth" by Dr. C.I. Scofield.  The Hermeneutics II. textbook is "The Golden Key" by Ben M. Bogard.  The Hermeneutics III. textbook is to be announced later.
    Prerequisites: You must successfully complete the First Level course, "The Bible," before you are allowed to take the Hermeneutics courses for credit.  Also, you must successfully complete the Hermeneutics I. section to be eligible to take the Hermeneutics II. section and you must successfully complete the Hermeneutics II. section to be eligible to take the Hermeneutics III. section.   (various credits per section awarded individually, 6 credits total for all three sections)

How to Prepare Sermons and Homiletics I. - V.    

    In the first parts of this series you will learn the various types of sermons and also how to prepare them.  You will then progress through the theory and practice of developing and delivering a homily, learning what to do and what not to do; and, finally, you will learn how to prepare yourself to endeavor in this field effectively.  You will use several textbooks and the series will be in five parts. The Homiletics I textbook is "Introduction to Homiletics" by Shawn Abigail.  The How to Prepare Sermons course textbook is How to Prepare Sermons by William Evans.  The Homiletics II textbook is "The Theory of Preaching" by Austin Phelps, D.D.  The Homiletics III textbook is "Men and Books or Studies In Homiletics" by Austin Phelps, D.D. The Homiletics IV textbook is "Homiletics" by W.G.T. Shedd. The Homiletics IV textbook is "Rhetoric, Its Theory and Practice - 'English Style In Public Discourse' " by Austin Phelps, D.D.
    Prerequisites: You must successfully complete the Second Level courses, "Public Speaking"  and "Calvinism" and the First Level course, "The Bible," before you are allowed to take any of the Homiletics courses for credit.  The courses in this series, Homiletics I, How to Prepare Sermons, Homiletics II through Homiletics V are each prerequisites of the course following it.  The courses must be taken in that order and each must be successfully completed before going on to study the next course in the series.  Student will receive credit for each course individually.
   All students are required to take the first 4 courses in this series, Homiletics I, How to Prepare Sermons, Homiletics II and Homiletics III, and they are required to take them in that order. Homiletics IV and V are required for some students depending on their course of study.  However, all students may take all courses in this series should they choose to do so.

Publick Ministry I. II. III.  SWAT_streetpreacher.gif (4002 bytes)   
   In this course you will learn the basics of the original method of reaching the populace- street preaching.  This was the method used by the Apostles Paul & Peter, Stephen, Barnabas, and most of the preachers of the Bible- both in the Old and the New Testaments.  Three courses.   (3 credits)

  This course is an in-depth study of the New Testament Church.  You will learn what the term "Church" means and what it does not mean.  Some common ancient and modern beliefs about the Church will be challenged and laid to rest by this study into the truth concerning both the Local Church and the Universal Church.  And the truths presented concerning them will be learned as they are taught in the final authority and teacher about the Church, which is, of course, the Word of God.  (1.5 credits)


Church Polity and Order    
   In this course you will learn the scriptural formula for running a local New Testament Church.
For the Pastors, it will be useful as a manual concerning the polity of the Church, its officers and structure, and how to scripturally lead and be the leader of the congregation.
For the members, it will give them added confidence in their Pastor's leadership by reassuring them that he is following the precepts and rules set down by the one who started and owns the Church- the Lord Jesus Christ.